I second this! I am 23 turning 24 this year, and it is only this year that I have secured my first VS. I think it is really easy to compare yourself with other candidates especially when you hear numerous success stories online and from people you went to uni with (I went to Cambridge and you hear all the time of people securing TCs from the magic circle firms and you wonder what you are doing wrong!!). But trust the process. You will get there, and the right firm will recognise what an asset you would be to a team!I’m sorry to hear about the VS application PFOs this cycle. I can imagine it has been incredibly disheartening to feel like the efforts put in have gone to waste. I don’t know if this will help in any way, but I am of a very similar age to you. I only began applying for VS after I had already graduated, so I also felt that I was really late and that time was ticking. I felt that I was super behind everyone else in my uni, who had already applied for VS and TC in their 2nd and 3rd year (law) and secured TC offers at major city law firms like Clifford Chance, DLA Piper, Herbert Smith Freehills, etc. 🥲
I think It’s really important to bear in mind that everyone is on their own journey and whilst it’s tempting to compare ourselves to others who seem to have attained VS/TC sooner, all it ends up causing is more harm than good. The key thing to bear in mind is that the average age of a NQ is 30! This means on average people aren’t securing a TC until they are 26/27, which they start when they are around 28. In my opinion, there are huge positives when you start a TC slightly later, in that you are able to build up wider range of skills and experiences which are beneficial to the role of a trainee associate! 😅
Try not to lose faith in yourself! I know that is easier said than done, but the important thing to maintain throughout this entire process is resilience and determination. I think once you do secure that well deserved TC (which I know you will), it will feel that much better, knowing how much hard work was put in. Speaking of TC, I think it could be a good idea to try apply for some DTC applications over the Spring and Summer (March - July). Who knows, it may be that one of these DTC applications will convert into the TC offer! Best of luck with the rest of this application cycle my friend! 🙂
You've got this, and remember you are on your own journey. I have no doubt you will get there; just try to keep positive!!