First off, I’m sorry you feel that way, and so many people on this forum relate to how you feel. It is a particularly draining process and constant PFOs can really take a toll.Is it just me or has anyone else also faced this- I’ve been applying for 2 years now and in every application, other people hear back about ACs and next stage invites yet law firms never get back to me. Am I that bad or do firms really hate me?? (apologies for the weird questions) but it seems to me as if I’m making applications after applications never to hear back or either get a PFO. It’s mentally very tiring
How many applications would you say you’ve done each cycle and have you progressed past the application stage at any point?
Firms definitely don’t hate you and I really doubt you’re “that bad”; it’s likely just a technique issue. In terms of getting better, I think the best approach would be to have someone else review your application. If they give you honest feedback on its strengths and weaknesses, it may help you understand where you’re going wrong. I also see you’re a premium member, so I would 100% advise looking at the example successful applications and comparing those to yours.
Just remember that you’re only on a second cycle! There are people on here who have been through a lot more than that, and we’re still here