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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Legendary Member
Premium Member
Jan 28, 2021
Hey guys, I need urgent help with the Fieldfisher application (I know, I know, I am very last minute) ‼️

For their motivation questions, does anyone have any insight?


1. How long should my answers be
2. How should I structure my answer to this: "Please provide us with more details of your achievements, scholarships, positions of responsibility, insight schemes, open days and virtual work experience opportunities, extra-curricular activities and everything else that interests you *"? It seems horribly broad to try to answer 😅
From memory, the answers were 2,000 characters? I think that tended to be in the region of about 250 words for me but obviously depends how long your words are!

As for the second part, I think I split it into four paragraphs: Two on extracurricular activities (positions of responsibility kinda tied into that), one on an open day I attended, and a final on Forage programmes I’d completed. I’d just try and focus on hitting each one in the question and pick your most impressive for each :)


Distinguished Member
  • Dec 24, 2023
    Accountability: Need to start and send off HL and Mishcon apps before the deadline today lol

    If anyone has a smart way of reminding yourself automatically that an app's deadline is coming up, I desperately need to implement in
    I have all of the firms I am planning on applying to on my calendar so I see the deadlines automatically! But I also have a spreadsheet tracking all my applications hehe (I LOVE SPREADSHEETS). I am a very very forgetful person so I have lots of things (like post-its) to remind me of random things, I try to keep the applications organised
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    Distinguished Member
  • Dec 24, 2023
    Does anyone know if attending an AC at an earlier date rather than a later date has any impact at all? (In the case where a firm gives you the option to choose when to do the AC)
    HL mentioned that if you attend an earlier AC you kinda have a higher chance of passing through. The reason behind this is, that if they have 8 exceptional applicants on an AC day at the beginning of their ACs they might give an offer to all of them. If though those same 8 exceptional applicants are towards the end of their ACs they will likely not have that many spots to give out.


    Distinguished Member
  • Dec 24, 2023
    From memory, the answers were 2,000 characters? I think that tended to be in the region of about 250 words for me but obviously depends how long your words are!

    As for the second part, I think I split it into four paragraphs: Two on extracurricular activities (positions of responsibility kinda tied into that), one on an open day I attended, and a final on Forage programmes I’d completed. I’d just try and focus on hitting each one in the question and pick your most impressive for each :)
    you're a king/queen/royalty! Ty so much <3
    • 🤝
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    Legendary Member
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    May 15, 2022
    Did anyone else do the Ashurst Online Test? How do you interpret the feedback report, I don't get it? Is there specific wording you're supposed to look out for to figure whether you did well or not? 😆


    Star Member
    Sep 6, 2023
    I was just looking at my application portal for Mishcon and noticed that it says that my details are locked. Does this mean I applied anonymously/ will it be a problem? Apologies, this is probably a stupid question!


    Star Member
    Jan 4, 2024
    I submitted my freshfields applications a few days ago but i forgot to include that i applied for their first year scheme last year and was unsuccessful, I've done the watson glaser but it says that they will review the wg together with the application when deciding on people for the AC , is it worth emailing them to correct this?

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    I submitted my freshfields applications a few days ago but i forgot to include that i applied for their first year scheme last year and was unsuccessful, I've done the watson glaser but it says that they will review the wg together with the application when deciding on people for the AC , is it worth emailing them to correct this?
    Were you asked whether you had applied before in the application?
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