Do you have any tips for converting a vac scheme at an MC firm - Have one coming up in the summer (was fast-tracked from the open day) and could really use some help as it's my first scheme.
- Make sure you let your Principal/supervisor know where you are at all times
- Be enthusiastic and curious; don't be afraid to ask your Principal/supervisor questions about the work that they are doing.
- During the department presentations, make sure to be enthusiastic and ask lots of questions - it may not necessarily count towards conversion but it does help to build confidence when a Partner says that you asked a good question!
- Be proactive in organising coffee chats with employees - have coffee chats not with employees from all hierarchical levels, and different departments. Graduate recruitment may ask you during the scheme how many coffee chats you have organised, so be prepared for that.
- At the same time, ensure that you manage your workload, and do not organise so many coffee chats that you can not do your work to a high standard!
- If you have assessed work to submit, submit it on time
- Before the vac scheme, really brush up on your commercial awareness, but also your *technical knowledge*. The reason I didn't convert my vac scheme was because I did not have enough technical knowledge.
- If you are a non-law student, take some time to read a few contracts, and get to grips with how they are set out, and what is in them. Have a brief look at the Companies Act 2006. Have an initial understanding of how companies are run: AGMs, Model Articles, Directors' Duties, etc.
- Understand how an M&A deal works if your MC firm is prominent in Corporate - watch 'The Anatomy of a Deal' by Allen & Overy on Youtube.
- Have serious attention to detail, and set out your written work clearly
That's all I can think of for now!