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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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  • Sep 27, 2021
    Has anyone who applied closer to the deadline heard back from Sidley Austin?
    One of the grad rec members posted on linkedin saying that she has been getting a lot of queries and they aim to get back to everyone by Feb! She deleted the post tho.
    It also mentioned they received over 800 applications! The interview invites I’ve seen so far seem to be candidates who applied before December.

    Hopefully we hear back by Feb mid!


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    Sep 14, 2023
    Has anyone done a Pennington Manches Cooper AC before? Have my first AC wanted some tips and advice. I think it consists of a written exercise, mock client interview and competency interview. If anyone has please do reply or message me. Thanks!
    Congratulations on obtaining an assessment centre!!

    Here are some tips I shared in these posts: https://www.thecorporatelawacademy....s-discussion-thread-2023-24.8037/post-164067; https://www.thecorporatelawacademy....ns-discussion-thread-2023-24.8037/post-156677

    Good luck with your assessment!!

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    For Mayer Brown at an open day they mentioned their test was untimed but that they could see how long we took as grad recruitment. Is this something across recruitment teams? I took the BM test which is also untimed, but i’m typically entitled to extra time, so i’m worried i took longer than a “typical” candidate. Even though it’s mentioned in my application, is it worth emailing to point it out, or is there no point because the test was untimed? @Jessica Booker
    I would check with the individual recruitment team as to whether they consider the time taken to complete the assessment on when the assessment is scored. This is likely to vary amongst firms and so best to check with them. If the time is taken into account when scoring the assessment, then explain any adjustments you would normally receive.
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019


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    Dec 20, 2023
    sadly going to have to turn down the OC virtual AC because they can't accommodate me being in such a different timezone right now/hold one when I'm back in the UK :( really hoping somebody on here now gets the opportunity now though and kills it! for those waiting, our deadline to book onto the AC is midday tomorrow so hopefully then you'll hear more, good luck!


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    Sep 14, 2023
    This is an out of the ordinary post for myself, but I wondered how people best deal with "imposter syndrome" and nerves before an AC.

    I don't usually consider myself a nervous person, but I think with the drain of this being my 4th cycle and wanting an offer so badly, I'm putting too much pressure on it. Worst off, I don't think I'm good enough, which I know is the wrong mentality. I'm looking at LinkedIn pages of trainees at my AC firm and I'm seeing people who went to Harvard, started businesses, and are just generally outstanding candidates. I don't see myself as having a selling point.

    The commercial part of the interview and the unknown of that also terrifies me. I think my commercial awareness is decent. I've done an M&A course, try and follow the news etc, but I just know there's someone better.

    I know going into the AC with this mentality will make me fail before I've even entered the room, so has anyone else felt similar and how did you effectively deal with it? Any advice would be appreciated :)
    Hey @laby201,

    I am sorry you feel this way as I know how hard it can be to try and pursue your dream when everyone around you seems to know everything already or have everything under control.

    I perfectly relate to your feelings as this is how I used to feel last year when I was applying. I felt like I was interviewing and going against people who knew so much about commercial awareness, did 6+ vacation schemes, went to Harvard and I did not have that background. Funny enough, I also found myself surrounded by people like this during my vacation scheme.

    Assessment centres are extremely daunting especially if you start comparing yourself to others and I was a victim of imposter syndrome more often than note. However, what I realised is that rather than comparing yourself to these individuals you should reflect on the fact that despite your different backgrounds, you managed to be in the same room as someone who went to Harvard with no help all by yourself. It is a huge achievement and you should be extremely proud of yourself for that. Since you reached the assessment centre stage it means that you are worth it and the law firm knows it and they are just giving you an opportunity to prove yourself, and also to enjoy the day.

    I think that for me the anxiety around assessment centres and interviews went away once I started focusing on the fact that it was an opportunity for the firm to meet me as much as it was an opportunity for me to get to know the firm and to see whether I would like the people at the firm. Once you start seeing it as a two way street process then the anxiety slowly goes away as you are just focusing on being yourself.

    To this day I am still in shock to have got a training contract over the Harvard people I met during my journey applying to law firms but it basically goes to show you that once you get to this stage, you have everything you need to succeed and come out on the other side!

    I really hope this is reassuring and I know that you are going to succeed in your interview, just believe in yourself and do not compare yourself to anyone else.

    Good luck with the process!


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    Sep 14, 2023
    "Tell us about any open days and events that you have attended in the legal sector."
    How would you answer this if you really haven't been to any events? It was impossible to get on any through my uni's law soc and I just didn't realise I needed to honestly but this is a 250 word question on a firm's application.
    You can discuss virtual events, coffee chats you have had with law firms associates, partners or future trainees or any law event you have attended during university. You do not necessarily have to have attended an open day. Additionally, you can talk about webinars or online events too! One or two in detail will be enough.


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    Sep 14, 2023
    @Jessica Booker I would love your advice! I have worked at a big 4 company in consulting for 2 years but I always wanted to pursue law, do you think applying to direct TC is an option (by that I mean a realistic one)? I am nearly a senior consultant and have gained great experience that is transferable for law as well as the fact my client has been an international law firm for the past year and I have done law work experience in the past (a week in first year uni and some first year schemes), I am reluctant to do a VS as I cannot really take that much time off work at once but was wondering if 2 years at the big 4 was good enough?
    I personally think you have really good chances of succeeding and you should definitely apply! You have valid experience and any law firm would be willing to give you an interview for sure. I think the trick would be to be able to perfectly explain why are you moving to law and where is this interest in the law coming from but other than that you have amazing chances of success!
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    Distinguished Member
    Jan 25, 2024
    I personally think you have really good chances of succeeding and you should definitely apply! You have valid experience and any law firm would be willing to give you an interview for sure. I think the trick would be to be able to perfectly explain why are you moving to law and where is this interest in the law coming from but other than that you have amazing chances of success!
    Thank you!! You have helped with my imposter syndrome so much, I never did not want to go into law but I went through a traumatic experience which significantly impacted me and I could hardly get out of bed never mind dedicate myself to law apps… I thought if I got into the big 4 it would be great experience and after spending a bit of time in the company and learning a lot it is the perfect time to move to law, I of course do not plan on telling law firms why I initially didn’t pursue law so I am trying to create a good answer for why I went to the big 4 before pursuing law and how it makes me a stronger candidate for that experience
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