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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Legendary Member
Oct 27, 2023
if it makes u feel better, jus to add onto that simmons horror story I was answering a q and got half way and realised I was waffling and told grad rec its ok u can reject me I get it (I had a really long day)
To add onto that, I once did a video interview with Latham years ago, the question was around, 'tell us about a deal we have done that interested you'... of course I was in my first year of uni and had no idea about how to prepare. I had no idea. I fell off my chair in slow motion on purpose and exited the VI once the countdown had finished...


Star Member
Nov 6, 2023
To add onto that, I once did a video interview with Latham years ago, the question was around, 'tell us about a deal we have done that interested you'... of course I was in my first year of uni and had no idea about how to prepare. I had no idea. I fell off my chair in slow motion on purpose and exited the VI once the countdown had finished...
I am quite literally laughing out loud ahahahahaha.


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Sep 14, 2023
How do you answer a question about a law firm’s position/place in the legal market? I would appreciate any tips! @axelbeugre
Hey @allwillbewell,

I would highlight their strengths in terms of practice areas and the nature of the deals and cases they work on, their clients, the number of international offices. These are some of the things I would discuss and emphasise. You could also talk about rankings, emphasising the number one practices the firm is known for for instance.

I hope that is helpful and good luck!


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Sep 14, 2023
Does anyone know if it’s too late to apply to Gibson Dunn as they’re rolling ??
I applied in late December last year and I got the offer and I knew some people who applied in January and got offers too. However, I would say that this year seems a little different as last year they had waited to offer people second interview invites until January. This year, I know people who already got the vacation scheme offer in November/December! I would still apply though because you never know!


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Sep 14, 2023
Gibson Dunn is soo weird, I still haven't heard anything and it has been soo long. During the time, there have been PFOs and full-blown vac scheme offers. Starting to think they forgot to reject me lol
They do tend to not reply to some people, I heard that last year too so I would email them to inquire about the status of your application!


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Sep 16, 2022
To add onto that, I once did a video interview with Latham years ago, the question was around, 'tell us about a deal we have done that interested you'... of course I was in my first year of uni and had no idea about how to prepare. I had no idea. I fell off my chair in slow motion on purpose and exited the VI once the countdown had finished...
This is hilarious omg
Laugh Laughing GIF
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  • Aug 21, 2021
    I have no advice for you so I’m sorry but to make you feel better I did a VI for Simmons WVS a few months back and farted whilst talking (quite loud).…. I tried to continue but started to laugh😭 I didn’t have time to say sorry. I don’t think grad rec found it funny as I was unsurprisingly unsuccessful! Got invite to apply again through 10K interns did my VI a few weeks ago and I think it went much smoother but its Never a PFO until they tell you😁 good luck!
    Nah I'm sorry for that but I've never laughed this hard on this forum
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