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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Would law firms prioritise external applicants for their vac scheme? I am currently contracting at a firm so cannot go the internal TC route. Having a hard time deciding whether to apply for VS or TC.
Really depends on the firm but if you are working for them already, they are likely to think a vacation scheme is a bit of a waste of time. Most of the things you will get out of a vacation scheme, you’d get out of working for the firm more generally.
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  • Sep 21, 2021
    Guys if you botch one VI question COMPLETELY (I literally apologised midway through!!!), but think you did okay in the other questions, is it an instant PFO 😭😭💔
    if it makes u feel better, jus to add onto that simmons horror story I was answering a q and got half way and realised I was waffling and told grad rec its ok u can reject me I get it (I had a really long day)


    Valued Member
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    Dec 8, 2023
    Gibson Dunn is soo weird, I still haven't heard anything and it has been soo long. During the time, there have been PFOs and full-blown vac scheme offers. Starting to think they forgot to reject me lol
    they still havent closed their applications, so the fact they havent rejected you is probably a good sign! it means you're still in the running. dont give up hope quite yet mate!
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