TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Sep 28, 2022
A well-known US firm just informed me that they've filled their VS places, and I can now only interview for a place on the reserve list. For context, my interview is scheduled for this week.

I applied early-December, they offered me the interview in mid-December, and I took the earliest available date for my interview. For a rolling firm with a deadline in late January, I thought this would be ok. I've spent time doing mock interviews, researching the firm and preparing so much. This has just devastated me as I felt I had the best chance of being successful there and have put so much time into my preparations. I understand they recruit on a rolling basis, but this one really hurts.

Is there even a point in interviewing now? Does anyone know if people commonly drop out of VSs?
I'm no expert, but I imagine plenty of people do drop out of vac schemes. Especially if this is for summer, loads of firms are still interviewing, so people holding offers might get clashing offers from firms they prefer. Also, if people are pursuing direct TC applications as well, presumably they'd pull out if one of those was successful.


A well-known US firm just informed me that they've filled their VS places, and I can now only interview for a place on the reserve list. For context, my interview is scheduled for this week.

I applied early-December, they offered me the interview in mid-December, and I took the earliest available date for my interview. For a rolling firm with a deadline in late January, I thought this would be ok. I've spent time doing mock interviews, researching the firm and preparing so much. This has just devastated me as I felt I had the best chance of being successful there and have put so much time into my preparations. I understand they recruit on a rolling basis, but this one really hurts.

Is there even a point in interviewing now? Does anyone know if people commonly drop out of VSs?

That's really disappointing :( and rather poor from JD, especially if the interview was scheduled way in advance and you had no control over when it would happen. I did think that the number of interviews they were giving out seemed disproportionate to the number of VS places + TC spots they had on offer.

I'd say interview just because you never know if people will drop out, but it does seem unlikely since VS's are very very competitive. I would definitely feel much less motivated as an interviewee if I knew my chances were automatically halved before even doing the interview though...


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  • Nov 7, 2020
    If I want to withdraw an application which has not yet been shortlisted in any way, would it be a good idea to email Grad Rec to inform them about my decision? Or is it fine to just click the 'Withdraw' button if it's this early in the process?

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    For the question "Tell us about something - anything - that excites and inspires you.", does it matter what I write about, or does it only matter how I write about it? Was thinking to talk about something sports related @Jessica Booker any thoughts would be amazing :)
    Really doesn't matter what the topic is - focus on why it excites/inspires you and although you don't have to be explicit in explaining why that correlates with what you might experience in a law firm, you may want to think about subtle references/language to insinuate motivations you will need in the firm.
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  • Aug 19, 2022
    All jones day vac scheme spots are filled. My interview for this coming Friday has become an interview for a place on their reserve list... I don't know how to feel right now
    Hey!! I did a winter vac with JD and I'm pretty sure that 1 or 2 people from the original list had dropped out and were replaced. I remember this solely because a few names in an initial email they had sent us, were gone in a subsequent group email and replaced with other names!! So don't close any doors!!
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