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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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  • Jan 9, 2023
    I think it depends on the Q you're asked (e.g. you can afford to talk a little longer for open ended questions like "tell me about yourself") but generally 1-3mins is good. You don't want to be too brief otherwise your answers come across as too superficial but equally you don't want to be talking for too long because you want to show that you can communicate concisely. But honestly I've never paid attention to how long it takes me to answer a Q during an interview (and I don't think my interviewers counted the minutes either). Just focus on giving a structured and concise answer and you'll be good! A final thing to note is that you don't want to be talking too fast. Practice with friends/family and see if they fully understand what you're saying. I didn't realise I speak very fast during interviews until I practiced with friends and family and got their feedback. Interviewers have to listen to your answers, understand it and think of follow up questions pretty much at the same time. Make their lives easier by speaking clearly and slowly so they catch everything you're saying!
    thank you so much !!! literally speaking fast is my biggest worry and im recording myself (its so cringe to look back afterwards lmao) but im trying to pace myself when explaining so it overruns a little bit over 3 mins which i was a bit concerned about
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    Aug 8, 2022
    does anyone know if most firms assess VI with an app? or does it differ from firm to firm? e.g my Kirkland app was super strong (IMO) but I stuttered looked away and fumbled multiple times in the VI, I didnt even finish one of my answers and got cut off mid flow but still got to AC, whereas other firms I felt like I have done much better in VI but got a big ol' PFO
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Would it ever just be that there are too many people who are 'good enough', and there isn't enough space for all of them?
    Even in these instances, the recruiter is making a decision that someone is not getting an offer over someone else. They should be explaining what contributed to that decision, even if it is something quite minor. If they thought you were good enough to be offered, they would offer you something, even if it was an alternative opportunity or a deferred place.
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    does anyone know if most firms assess VI with an app? or does it differ from firm to firm? e.g my Kirkland app was super strong (IMO) but I stuttered looked away and fumbled multiple times in the VI, I didnt even finish one of my answers and got cut off mid flow but still got to AC, whereas other firms I felt like I have done much better in VI but got a big ol' PFO
    Do you mean review the VI alongside reviewing your application?

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    yes, sorry
    Then yes, does vary from firm to firm (and sometimes even from reviewer to reviewer, depending what their preferences are).

    I wouldn’t worry about tripping up occasionally or answers sometimes cutting off though - I have seen plenty of candidates get through and do this occasionally.


    Legendary Member
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    Aug 8, 2022
    Then yes, does vary from firm to firm (and sometimes even from reviewer to reviewer, depending what their preferences are).

    I wouldn’t worry about tripping up occasionally or answers sometimes cutting off though - I have seen plenty of candidates get through and do this occasionally.
    thank you, do you know of any firms that use AI to assess VIs?

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    thank you, do you know of any firms that use AI to assess VIs?
    I don’t know of any that do. I only know of HireVue as a platform that would have AI technology built in. Most of the other providers don’t have that functionality. Some originations that use HireVue don’t even have their AI technology embedded.

    Even where there is AI embedded, it doesn’t pick up things whether your answer cuts off or not.
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    Esteemed Member
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    Oct 5, 2021
    VI for addleshaw goddard! really happy but in a bit of a dilemma as i am mid exam season. to do the interview well, i would have to take two days out and hence squander my exams. i have an AC coming up after my exams so not sure if i should just focus on that. as i know that the degree is ultimately the priority. difficult one!

    would be a much easier decision if all of my firms had replied to me :(
    Which scheme is this?
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    Legendary Member
    Oct 5, 2021
    Does anyone know if Hogan process direct TC applicants separate to vac schemers? i.e. I have yet to put in my application (due 31 jan) - if I pass written app and WG, which if i understand correctly are considered together, then will the ACs be with just other direct TC applicants?


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  • Sep 20, 2021
    Is it bad practice to ask a firm if they provide accommodation expenses ? I have a couple ACs in London next week and will have to travel the night before. One firm has offered to pay but the other hasn’t. Is it worth asking or j to take the L and shell out for a Spenny gaff to avoid annoying them?
    I didn't even know firms would pay for accom for the night before an AC?
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