I got an email saying they won’t get back to us till the w/c 16th Jan to find out if we’re through to the ACAny update from Mills and Reeve after completing the online assessment?
Congratulations @jennifer! This is massive 👏 👏 👏Freshfeilds direct TC AC! any advice is much appreciated<3
Hey! Congrats on your AC 😄 Though if I could ask, I thought Freshfields TC was non-rolling, or are they doing ACs already?Freshfeilds direct TC AC! any advice would be much appreciated<3
I’m pretty sure their portal doesn’t update until they send you an email either rejecting you or inviting you to interview. Good luck!Has anyone's application for Slaughter and May's Summer Scheme been updated on the portal yet? I applied early in September but my application is still 'under consideration'. I also emailed Grad Rec a little while ago with an updated CV and they got back to me on Friday saying they would be in touch once my application has been reviewed. Just getting a little bit nervous as to why they haven't seen my app yet when they recruit on a rolling basis and interviews are meant to start in January 😅
I spoke about two that are *very loosely* linked, but I think honestly do what you feel best! I would say don't talk about more than 3, as you need room to explain and answer the second part of the question.For this question from Reed Smith's application: What current issues do you think have an impact on the legal profession? How will they impact and why?
Might be obvious but just wanted to check, is it necessary to talk about more than one issue because of the way the question is worded?
Dont worry, I am sure you did well. I passed may VI which I thought I bombed and failed VI which I thought I aced...felt like I did really badly in the CMS VIbetter luck next time lol
I'm not too sure. When I completed mine I didn't receive any confirmation, so I was concerned that it hadn't been correctly submitted. All was ok though - I emailed grad recruitment to check and they confirmed & let me know that I passed pretty quickly.How long does it take to receive your feedback report after completing HSF's test?
Thank you @Jessica Booker !Thanks Jessica!
Thank you @sxw517My general rule is paragraphs unless you can format bullet points in the application form (like you can do on these forums). However, if it’s just a free text box (with no formatting functionality), use full prose/sentences/paragraphs.
Do you get a feedback report if you passed the benchmark?I got mine after about 14 hours. 😊
I passed the benchmark last year when applying for the First Year Workshop, but didn’t get a feedback report. Unfortunately I did not pass the benchmark this year when applying to the vac scheme and I did get a report that time so maybe it’s only if you don’t meet the benchmark 😔Do you get a feedback report if you passed the benchmark?