Hi Georgie! I thought I'd share a really useful piece of advice my mam was told by someone in charge of recruitment at a firm who she met on a train (long story I know). While you're going to be doing loads of group activities and networking, make sure the firm has some concrete work from you to assess you on at the end of the VS- apparently a lot of candidates stumble here by devoting too much time to networking, meeting people etc. so make sure you're really utilising your time the best you can
Congrats on getting three VS!
@PastaPointOfNoReturn (fantastic name by the way!),
This is awesome advice. Thank you for sharing! I hadn't thought about it in this way, but I think this is right. It is easy to get caught up in networking and exploring the firm. Ultimately though, the
minimum required of any vacation schemer is to produce high quality work(!). Networking is definitely a plus, but ultimately the quality of your work (such as attention to detail) will always be a determining factor of receiving an offer or not.
Prioritisation is really key. My trainee buddies often reminded me that more mundane tasks only need to be completed well. These tasks, such as admin or updating slides, are not going to get you the vacation scheme. However, if you do them poorly, they might be the reason that you don't get an offer. The tasks to focus on are those which require more engagement. For example, a research task or a draft piece of advice. This sort of task can be the difference between you receiving an offer and just falling short(!).
Also, at HSF, I ended up being assessed on a series of oral presentations that I gave (in preference to a written piece of work that I had produced) as my supervisor thought that this was higher quality work (and at HSF, my supervisors were able to choose a single piece of assessed work that they thought was strongest). So although this piece of work was not recorded in the same way as a piece of written work, it was regarded as substantial enough for assessment.
Very happy to continue this conversation if anyone is interested!