Although I agree with the sentiment here and know exactly how it feels to apply for several cycles and seeing no results, I do think its unfair to prevent those who no doubt worked very hard to get schemes from posting about it when they are asked. Part of the process, for me at least, was coming to terms with rejections and reflecting on what was going wrong - this included unfairly comparing myself- but I think its dangerous to prevent those from celebrating for the sake of other's mental health because at the end of the day everyone's story is difference. We do not know how hard those who get 4+ schemes on their first go have worked prior to getting their schemes and therefore it is unfair to judge them. Platforms like the TCLA are both for celebrating success and supporting through rejections. Also I agree with you on the judging those from prestigious unis, as someone who graduated from one of those but comes from a diverse background I often feel like I should be doing "better" but I have come to realise that this process really is not as black and white as perhaps we sometimes feel it is, especially after several rejections! I don't mean this to sound harsh if thats the way it comes across, I just like the TCLA platform allowing everyone to celebrate and commiserate together!