Congrats, when did u do your AC?Thank u!! Leeds and they literally just called me!
It's TCLA's birthday today. Thank you Guest for joining us in this journey. We are seven years old :). For today only, you can use 'SEVEN' for 50% off TCLA Premium Gold and TCLA Academy.
Congrats, when did u do your AC?Thank u!! Leeds and they literally just called me!
Would definitely be down for virtual meetings!Sooooo, I know that vac scheme season is winding down and some people are thinking about applying for direct TCs by July. I was wondering how useful any of you thought it might be to start a casual, cool, and comforting application writing group? We could meet virtually (or in person) and gently offer feedback to one another on our application answers while we write together for about an hour each week? I used to form writing groups a lot in graduate school - they can be a great way to help each other out, meet deadlines, and be accountable.
Just an idea! The only rule is: no tearing any one downI'm curious to know how many would be into the idea.
Monday 14th ! xCongrats, when did u do your AC?
Hey they responded quite quickly to me to arrange feedback after mine! I’d definitely try ringing them tomorrow xHas anyone received feedback from Ashurst post Summer VS AC? I have requested over two weeks ago and haven't heard back since😢
Got offer todayhas anyone heard from Sidley post-AC this week?
Hi! When was your interview, if I may ask?Got offer today
Yes plsSooooo, I know that vac scheme season is winding down and some people are thinking about applying for direct TCs by July. I was wondering how useful any of you thought it might be to start a casual, cool, and comforting application writing group? We could meet virtually (or in person) and gently offer feedback to one another on our application answers while we write together for about an hour each week? I used to form writing groups a lot in graduate school - they can be a great way to help each other out, meet deadlines, and be accountable.
Just an idea! The only rule is: no tearing any one downI'm curious to know how many would be into the idea.
To an extent this is simply something that comes with time - past a certain point, each PFO becomes a matter of increasing indifference. A big part of that though is that over time you learn to think about PFOs in ways that make them less crushing.Hi, how do you move on from a PFO? Had my first one yesterday but I have an interview tomorrow so I could really use some tips on how to dust myself off and carry on. Thanks in advance!
Hi, Did you attend the career focus day last year and if so do you have any tips for preparation? ThanksI remember from last year they had a question about 3D printers in the video interview.
@Rob93 this is eloquently put. Thank you for this post.To an extent this is simply something that comes with time - past a certain point, each PFO becomes a matter of increasing indifference. A big part of that though is that over time you learn to think about PFOs in ways that make them less crushing.
Not everyone thinks about it the same way or develops their thinking along the same lines, but some of my thoughts:
PFOs are an inevitable part of this process, and don't reflect on your merits as an individual or even necessarily the merits of your application/interview. Graduate recruitment is to some extent, for lack of a better word, capricious. Don't take outcomes to heart.
Things may not all happen for a reason, but if you don't move forward with a firm it may just be that they aren't a good fit for you at this point in your journey.
Careers are a project of many decades. Momentary and temporary setbacks don't mean that much in the grand scheme of things, and sooner or later you'll end up somewhere that really works for you and where you can meet your ambitions.
@AspiringIPLawyer I am delighted for you 🍾HSF Vac Scheme Offer after the AC today!!
Thank you so much @George Maxwell for your wise words (and recommending the Jake Schogger book!) 😁 Also to others who have posted on this forum with their experience 🙌🏼
I would definitely be up for this! Please can I be added if you start oneSooooo, I know that vac scheme season is winding down and some people are thinking about applying for direct TCs by July. I was wondering how useful any of you thought it might be to start a casual, cool, and comforting application writing group? We could meet virtually (or in person) and gently offer feedback to one another on our application answers while we write together for about an hour each week? I used to form writing groups a lot in graduate school - they can be a great way to help each other out, meet deadlines, and be accountable.
Just an idea! The only rule is: no tearing any one downI'm curious to know how many would be into the idea.
I am currently working on my WBD application and I am a current full-time LPC student (January 2022 - October 2022) I have put it on my application in the education section (not yet submitted)Also for WBD, if I am currently doing the LPC (but not completed) shall I note it in the education section?
It says on the app: "When completing this education section, we only need to know about the Degree that you have chosen and where you studied and whether you have completed the GDL or LPC. We do not require you to input your GCSE or A Levels."
hey, who did you ring at Ashurst?Hey they responded quite quickly to me to arrange feedback after mine! I’d definitely try ringing them tomorrow x