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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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M&A Bootcamp
Jan 13, 2021
Sooooo, I know that vac scheme season is winding down and some people are thinking about applying for direct TCs by July. I was wondering how useful any of you thought it might be to start a casual, cool, and comforting application writing group? We could meet virtually (or in person) and gently offer feedback to one another on our application answers while we write together for about an hour each week? I used to form writing groups a lot in graduate school - they can be a great way to help each other out, meet deadlines, and be accountable.

Just an idea! The only rule is: no tearing any one down :) I'm curious to know how many would be into the idea.


Legendary Member
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Sep 4, 2018
Sooooo, I know that the vac scheme cycle is winding down and some people are thinking about applying for direct TCs by July. I was wondering how useful any of you thought it might be to start a casual, cool, and comforting application writing group? We could meet virtually (or in person) and gently offer feedback to one another on our application answers, whilst we write together for about an hour each week? I used to form writing groups a lot during grad school and they can be a great way to help each other out, meet deadlines, and be accountable.

Just an idea! The only rule is: no tearing any one down :) I'm just curious to know how many would be into the idea.
I am in for the virtual meetings!

I would prefer virtual for two main reasons: first of all we can include more people as not everyone lives in London. Secondly, I work full time, doing wedding preparations, trying to get a tc and a life. So, I have a busy schedule and would be nice to discuss once/twice a week what the hell I am doing wrong!


Valued Member
  • Mar 3, 2021
    Hi all!! Would really appreciate if you could offer some advice:

    I've now received 2 summer vacation scheme offers from A and B and I have an upcoming interview next week with C (summer VS as well). C is running spring vacation scheme, would it be possible to ask them to transfer me onto the spring one if (best case scenario) I get an offer from C?
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hi all!! Would really appreciate if you could offer some advice:

    I've now received 2 summer vacation scheme offers from A and B and I have an upcoming interview next week with C (summer VS as well). C is running spring vacation scheme, would it be possible to ask them to transfer me onto the spring one if (best case scenario) I get an offer from C?
    You can definitely ask - the worst that can happen is that firm C say no and then you potentially have to turn down one of the three firms.
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