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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Legendary Member
  • Nov 30, 2020
    Is BCLP's test automatic?

    This is what I found on their website "If we like your application form, we will then ask you to complete our online test."

    But this is what the email says "As part of the screening process, we require all candidates to take our online test."


    Legendary Member
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    Premium Member
    Oct 25, 2021
    Oh thank you for your response.
    Having been adopted, I was thinking about mentioning the obligation of providing genetic information for kids who are going to be adopted.
    It is seems a bit weird but, for example, I would feel safer if I want to have a child. I could also give the opposite argument and argue that this could discriminate potential adoptees. The problem is to show the interest!
    Having thought about the question a bit more deeply, I think you should be able to both demonstrate your interest and justify why that law should be introduced/what need it's addressing. With the obligation to provide genetic information, while you may be able to show your interest owing to your background, it may be hard to justify whether it's fulfilling a need because of the concern of discrimination that you raised.
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    Standard Member
    Dec 28, 2021
    Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

    I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
    "I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here)"

    Be really careful what you say. This isn't it mate.


    Distinguished Member
  • Mar 15, 2021
    DLA Summer Internship secured :D

    So happy and grateful for everyone on this forum but also kind of anxious about having to sign my contract before my other two ACs. One of the two offers direct TC, so should I ask to convert before or after that AC? The other AC is even later in February, and does not accept direct TC apps. Any guidance is appreciated and thank you again TCLA! @Jessica Booker
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    Legendary Member
  • Nov 30, 2020
    Is BCLP's test automatic?

    This is what I found on their website "If we like your application form, we will then ask you to complete our online test."

    But this is what the email says "As part of the screening process, we require all candidates to take our online test."
    This is from their automatic email "Please note, you will only receive our online test if you have past the first stage screen of your application form". So do they review the app again with the test or that's it I passed the application form stage? I am very confused!


    Legendary Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Jul 22, 2020
    Was your invite from TopScore (the same portal as the written exercise & initial video interview)? I have been sent another link, yet It doesn't say any date, or time - just in invite to videoconferencing..
    No I had an email last week and they've just sent another email from GR with the Teams links and time etc. Maybe email GR to confirm?


    Active Member
  • Dec 7, 2021
    Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

    I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
    Where was your degree from (don't actually tell me, but just a point to consider - if it's from a not as well regarded/not well known foreign uni maybe that impacts things)?

    Are you post-grad? Then make sure you don't prioritise to firms like Clifford Chance, who prioritise undergrads.

    I also wouldn't take all the edits your friends do. Peer-review is great for typos, and when you agree with their amendments then sure, apply them, but I wouldn't say you should just take all the edits they make. You're the one who wrote the app, so you know what point you're trying to get across best.

    You mention that priority is given to women/minorities (I don't think that's true BTW), but if you had any specific economic situations you also have the opportunity to mark those (first to attend uni, worked full time during uni, post code etc) - do they apply to you?

    Ultimately I think you need to identify your USP, and find the firm which matches that.
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