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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Jan 22, 2021
Yeah I’m aware, was just pointing it out because a lot of times you’re made to feel pressured to submit ASAP, or that your chances decrease the closer the deadline gets. Evidently not true.
Oh okay, it wasn’t initially clear what aspect you were referring to. Yeah I understand what you mean. Personally, I think if anyone wants to apply for a firm, they might as well put in an application. If a firm thinks an application is strong, they will progress it regardless of when it was submitted. However, your chances do decrease depending to what extent the firm is rolling. I applied to Mayer Brown on the deadline last year and I don’t think my cover letter was even considered because they had filled their VS spots by then, so very firm-dependent.


Distinguished Member
  • Feb 22, 2021
    Does anyone know what the comparison group is for Arctic Shores? For quite a few of the traits measured my report says I was as likely "as most other people in the comparison group" to act a certain way, i.e., was in the middle of the scale between two extremes. Is this a bad thing?


    Legendary Member
    Dec 29, 2020
    Wahoo! Through to strengths assessment and verbal reasoning tests for Mayer Brown direct TC.

    is this very similar to other firms’ situational judgement test / critical thinking? Like Linklaters’?
    Strengths assessment is a pretty straightforward SJT. Mayer Brown's verbal reasoning is a bit unlike anything I've seen elsewhere, and tests a broader range of attributes than straight-on critical reasoning.
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hey guys,

    I submitted an application to Freshfields, but I made a mistake and I do not know to what extent that mistake will play a role in the outcome of my application.

    In a work experience entry, my first sentence was I rotated across the immigration and property departments. I talked so much about my work in the property department, but did not talk about my work in the immigration department. This was my final work experience entry in the form.

    How will graduate recruitment consider this mistake.

    This isn’t something they would consider a mistake. They would just think you have aligned your experiences more to real estate.


    Distinguished Member
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  • Dec 17, 2020
    Strengths assessment is a pretty straightforward SJT. Mayer Brown's verbal reasoning is a bit unlike anything I've seen elsewhere, and tests a broader range of attributes than straight-on critical reasoning.
    Okay cool! So it’s like critical thinking in the form of a situation, as opposed to a written passage?
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