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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Legendary Member
Dec 29, 2020
I was thinking the same, in case they are waiting till later to send pfo’s. Out of interest when did everyone who hasn’t heard back from skadden apply ? (They are rolling so Hoping it’s because we applied later)
I applied the 13th Dec and have heard nada, latest application from someone who has confirmed TI on here was the 11th.

They're rolling but given it seems the first round of TI invites went out today and seems to span most of the application period I'm not sure how much that means. Fingers crossed we're all either progressed or put our of our misery by the end of next week.


Star Member
Nov 13, 2021
I applied the 13th Dec and have heard nada, latest application from someone who has confirmed TI on here was the 11th.

They're rolling but given it seems the first round of TI invites went out today and seems to span most of the application period I'm not sure how much that means. Fingers crossed we're all either progressed or put our of our misery by the end of next week.
I applied 29th Nov and am yet to hear back. I attended their open day and they confirmed that they are non-rolling then.


New Member
Jan 8, 2022
Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
Your second paragraph is something a lot of people who are really struggling might agree with so its worth explaining why its dumb. You clearly lack the ability to self reflect and accept that you're doing something wrong. That makes you unsuitable for being a lawyer, because it's a highly demanding job that requires self-criticism and constant personal/professional growth.

You were also given a chance with an MC vac scheme so clearly you're not being discriminated against. You were unable to convert, which is very normal, but instead of having the self awareness and humility to grow from that and improve yourself, you've chosen instead to look for someone to blame.


New Member
Jan 8, 2022
I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but it seems you are veering slightly into the "I am entitled to an offer" mindset. You gotta' snap out of that. It's not going to do you any favours.

It is a brutal process, which is why it's important to be honest with youself. You've listed out all of your strengths, but what do you think your weaknesses are? (I'm not asking you to tell me, but rather reflect on it). I think it's also important to ask yourself "if my application really is as strong as I believe it is, why am I not getting offers?" Some of it could indeed be factors beyond your control, but I'm sure you'll be able to find some things that are under your control. Once you identify them, you can work on addressing them.

One of my favourite quotes is by Marcus Aurelius and I think of it often when I'm feeling down:

"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.'
The problem is that I have literally done that. I have gotten my apps reviewed by so many people - as I said - who themselves have secured these roles. And I have applied every single piece of advice and corrected every single mistake found.I know the power of introspection and I really do have tried to use that to improve my application strength.

Asil Ahmad

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  • Mar 29, 2020
    I'm genuinely curious as to how one would wholly avoid policy reasoning in a question like this. Any change of law must have a purpose, and the purpose will presumably be a matter of policy.

    I would imagine that the line of argument has to be 'the current position is suboptimal because [X], [this] position would be preferable because [Y], [such and such] change to law would achieve this. [A] possible consequence would need to be considered but this might be addressed by .'

    I imagine the trick is to avoid spending too much wordcount on the broad policy point - keep it specific and focus on the legal mechanism. But I cannot conceive of a good answer which would eschew policy entirely, though perhaps this is a lack of imagination on my part.
    Thank you for this it is really helpful.


    New Member
    Jan 8, 2022
    Your second paragraph is something a lot of people who are really struggling might agree with so its worth explaining why its dumb. You clearly lack the ability to self reflect and accept that you're doing something wrong. That makes you unsuitable for being a lawyer, because it's a highly demanding job that requires self-criticism and constant personal/professional growth.

    You were also given a chance with an MC vac scheme so clearly you're not being discriminated against. You were unable to convert, which is very normal, but instead of having the self awareness and humility to grow from that and improve yourself, you've chosen instead to look for someone to blame.
    As I explained above I have asked so many people to review my apps. I have applied every single piece of advice.

    As for the vac scheme, my father passed away during the scheme, and I was unable to attend two days of it and was in no way mentally prepared to give it my best during the TC interview. My mistake was not explaining this to GR so I could get more leniency and understanding during the review process. I was in a massive existential crisis and made the not very level-headed decision that it was no point telling GR about this because I would rather stay in my home town and take care of my family and never consider a career in London again. Anyway, enough sob stories; my point is that whatever weakness that led to me not converting has nothing to do with my application pre-interview stage. For the application itself I have sought out so many resources and advice and I am not even reaching the interview stage.


    Esteemed Member
    Premium Member
    Feb 3, 2021
    The problem is that I have literally done that. I have gotten my apps reviewed by so many people - as I said - who themselves have secured these roles. And I have applied every single piece of advice and corrected every single mistake found.I know the power of introspection and I really do have tried to use that to improve my application strength.
    Well I can't go into specifics because I don't know you. However, I propose this to you:

    You truly have achieved the ultimate application and you're still getting rejected. If this is true, you're never going to get an offer.


    There is something you are missing and you haven't found it yet.

    I know which option I would rather choose.


    Distinguished Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Jan 7, 2022
    That’s what they’ve done so far tbf, but they don’t seem to have rejected anyone yet. Plus deadline was a couple of weeks ago, so you’d imagine this was final set of offers.
    True but with Christmas, New Years, and planning for 2022 they may still be working through them. I hope anyway, I applied v late in the app window and have also not heard anything so fingers crossed!

    I'd assume if you've not heard anything so far today you probably won't hear anything until next week earliest so don't let it play on your mind all weekend :)
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    Legendary Member
    Dec 29, 2020
    That’s what they’ve done so far tbf, but they don’t seem to have rejected anyone yet. Plus deadline was a couple of weeks ago, so you’d imagine this was final set of offers.
    I imagine this was the first set of offers - I haven't seen anyone on this forum confirm a response from Skadden prior to today, and I very much doubt that multiple batches of probably ~20+ TI invites have gone out in the past months without anyone active on this forum amongst the recipients.

    Skadden was always a longshot for me so I'm not clinging to hope here or anything, but I don't see it as time to throw in the towel yet.


    Legendary Member
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    Junior Lawyer
  • Jan 17, 2019
    The problem is that I have literally done that. I have gotten my apps reviewed by so many people - as I said - who themselves have secured these roles. And I have applied every single piece of advice and corrected every single mistake found.I know the power of introspection and I really do have tried to use that to improve my application strength.
    Getting your applications reviewed is helpful, but have you taken the time to self-reflect on the more fundamental aspects of what goes into these applications? Specifically, are your motivations convincing? Are they entirely unique to you, well-thought out, and targeted at the types of firms you want to work for?

    Too many people fall into the trap of thinking an application is just a checkbox exercise - if they say the right things like everyone else says or does, they’ll get through. The reality is all that does is make your application generic. The people who stand out, and get through, do so because their applications are a true representation of themselves, their experience, and what motivates them in their career.

    That’s not to say your applications aren’t strong - evidently they are as you have had made it through to the final stages before, but my advice to anyone who is struggling at the application stage is to ensure you take the time to dig deep into your motivations rather than simply replicate what is considered ‘successful’.
    Last edited:


    Legendary Member
    Premium Member
    Jan 1, 2021
    I imagine this was the first set of offers - I haven't seen anyone on this forum confirm a response from Skadden prior to today, and I very much doubt that multiple batches of probably ~20+ TI invites have gone out in the past months without anyone active on this forum amongst the recipients.

    Skadden was always a longshot for me so I'm not clinging to hope here or anything, but I don't see it as time to throw in the towel yet.
    I’ve saw some people post offers pre Xmas, so assumed they must had TI’s.

    But same for me skadden was a long shot, but also my strongest app imo
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    Legendary Member
  • Dec 3, 2020
    That’s what they’ve done so far tbf, but they don’t seem to have rejected anyone yet. Plus deadline was a couple of weeks ago, so you’d imagine this was final set of offers.
    Last cycle, I applied rather late (23rd December! and got a TI invitation on 16th January. There was a batch of TI invites before mine and another after! I'd say not to worry and remember that the Skadden Grad Rec team isn't the largest
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