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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
I am working on this application question now also. Am thinking of discussing removing CVA for retailers. But would love to know other people's views on what people think of this question and my suggestion.
My only challenge on this is how much is it a policy rather than a law.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Thanks! Can you think of a reason they would reset it to be reviewed again? It’s just I know people who did the VI on the same day as me have had theirs reviewed
There is a range of reasons - none of them are anything to worry about, especially where it is highly unlikely to be the case.

It’s just likely yours hasn’t been reviewed yet. It may be allocated to someone who hasn’t had the opportunity for review. Or they just haven’t got to yours yet.

I really wouldn’t worry about this.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Thank you for this. Yes I agree with you.
I think you can spin it as a law, because ultimately the mechanism is a legal one. But making a separate process for a particular industry is likely to be policy led rather than legal as you are ultimately setting an exception to the legal rule.
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Nov 14, 2020
I have just realized that (for some reason) my work experience sections in Dentons Application did not save? instead, I have 5 empty sections. No name of the organizations, dates, nothing.
Should I email graduate recruitment or is it too late?
I submitted my app on the 3rd of January.

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
I have just realized that (for some reason) my work experience sections in Dentons Application did not save? instead, I have 5 empty sections. No name of the organizations, dates, nothing.
Should I email graduate recruitment or is it too late?
I submitted my app on the 3rd of January.
Yes, I would email graduate recruitment to mention this and see if you can resubmit the information some how.
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Sep 4, 2018
I have just realized that (for some reason) my work experience sections in Dentons Application did not save? instead, I have 5 empty sections. No name of the organizations, dates, nothing.
Should I email graduate recruitment or is it too late?
I submitted my app on the 3rd of January.
I had issues too and the grad recruitment actually got in touch and had to send them my academic transcripts. It is weird because I included everything..vantage is a bit crappy
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Asil Ahmad

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  • Mar 29, 2020
    I think you can spin it as a law, because ultimately the mechanism is a legal one. But making a separate process for a particular industry is likely to be policy led rather than legal as you are ultimately setting an exception to the legal rule.
    Thank you for this and this is what I am concerned about as don't want to sound like policy reason.


    Legendary Member
    Dec 29, 2020
    Thank you for this and this is what I am concerned about as don't want to sound like policy reason.
    I'm genuinely curious as to how one would wholly avoid policy reasoning in a question like this. Any change of law must have a purpose, and the purpose will presumably be a matter of policy.

    I would imagine that the line of argument has to be 'the current position is suboptimal because [X], [this] position would be preferable because [Y], [such and such] change to law would achieve this. [A] possible consequence would need to be considered but this might be addressed by .'

    I imagine the trick is to avoid spending too much wordcount on the broad policy point - keep it specific and focus on the legal mechanism. But I cannot conceive of a good answer which would eschew policy entirely, though perhaps this is a lack of imagination on my part.
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    New Member
    Jan 8, 2022
    Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

    I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
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    Legendary Member
    Dec 29, 2020
    Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

    I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male I do keep wondering why my peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
    The Legal Cheek comments section is an absolute cesspool.

    I'm wary of some of the territory you're approaching in the last paragraph there and would urge caution with that line of thinking, but I do relate to an extent.

    I'm in my late 20s, stellar pre-uni results, strong uni results, loads of varied work experience (some of it high quality), and it has been a slog for the past 4 years - I got past the papercut for the first time a couple weeks ago. I have read successful applications by friends which were (to my mind) uninspired or riddled with errors and wondered 'what am I doing wrong?'

    This is a gruelling process, and is made much worse by how opaque it is. I appreciate how immensely frustrating it becomes. But one of the most self-sabotaging things you can do is worry about how other people are faring, or by what means they are achieving their success.

    I spent a couple years wound up about 'how do I most closely emulate my peers with pedigree educations who are wildly successful.' This was a fruitless effort. The moment I turned my attention to 'how do I sell myself as an older, foreign working class applicant who started working menial jobs at 15; how do I leverage my difference?' things got a lot better, both in terms of returns and, frankly, my mental health. A rejection, to me, is very much their loss.

    I realise this is only so many words (perhaps too many) and rejection certainly does sting no matter what. But you're not alone in this by any means, and I hope this is of some help.


    Esteemed Member
    Premium Member
    Feb 3, 2021
    Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

    I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
    I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but it seems you are veering slightly into the "I am entitled to an offer" mindset. You gotta' snap out of that. It's not going to do you any favours.

    It is a brutal process, which is why it's important to be honest with youself. You've listed out all of your strengths, but what do you think your weaknesses are? (I'm not asking you to tell me, but rather reflect on it). I think it's also important to ask yourself "if my application really is as strong as I believe it is, why am I not getting offers?" Some of it could indeed be factors beyond your control, but I'm sure you'll be able to find some things that are under your control. Once you identify them, you can work on addressing them.

    One of my favourite quotes is by Marcus Aurelius and I think of it often when I'm feeling down:

    "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.'
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