Does anyone know what
BCLP’s application questions are?
Please detail any academic awards, positions of responsibilities and/or any interests or hobbies outside of academics and work experience (please list in bullet points).Max 300 words
What do you find attractive about Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner's sectors/departments and which area(s) are you interested in having exposure to in your Training Contract any why? Max 500 words
In your first 3 months as a trainee at
BCLP, who would you seek to build relationships with, and what strategies would you implement to ensure that these relationships are long lasting? Max 300 words
Imagine you are a trainee at
BCLP and you have been working on a task for an associate in the Finance department. The associate is away and a partner in the department urgently wants a summary note of the research to send to a client, and has asked you to send it to them by tomorrow morning. How would you react? Max 300 words