Nah I submitted in early December so date is not relevantI too thought it was a strong application, I did however submit it five minutes before the deadline🤣 Im not sure if that played a part
I mean it would play a part if FF was rolling but its not... so i'd appreciate if they played fair and square and actually read every application they receive by the deadlineI too thought it was a strong application, I did however submit it five minutes before the deadline🤣 Im not sure if that played a part
not sure if for direct TC their standards are high like they expect you to have vac scheme? i really don’t know lol 😂FF pfo too! So confused because the last app I made to them was the most generic app I’ve ever done and I got the WG invite. Maybe I need to strip back to the basics 😂
I had a vac scheme at another MC firm, they still rejected menot sure if for direct TC their standards are high like they expect you to have vac scheme? i really don’t know lol 😂
Tbh I think they didn't even read mine. Well I am just speculating. Im gonna start believing in conspiracy theories to explain the PFO 🤣I mean it would play a part if FF was rolling but its not... so i'd appreciate if they played fair and square and actually read every application they receive by the deadline
I think they do - I attended an application workshop they hosted last year and they said they every application is assigned to and read by a member of the early careers team. But given the (likely) thousands of people applying for limited spots and that it gets more competitive every year, I suppose they have a wide discretion to decide whether an application is given a yes over a no, and unfortunately, we may never know why :/I mean it would play a part if FF was rolling but its not... so i'd appreciate if they played fair and square and actually read every application they receive by the deadline
I think that you could just say the truth and explain the ways in which working now allowed you to develop your writing. Rather than focusing on the negative, I will always stress how you overcame this rejection and what you did to work on the feedback given. I personally would try to be truthful but highlight my successes and improvements since that rejection.Hi there. i was wondering if anyone could help with an answer for an interview question of why I didn't convert a VS to a TC? It's a question i am dreading but ik i should defo expect it coming my way
my feedback post-VS wasn't super clear/that useful, I asked but GR didn't give me a specific reason to why i wasn't offered it just that it was a very competitive year l- but i think it was because i didn't score very high in 1 out of 3 of my written pieces during the scheme. I'm not too sure how to say I've improved this though- maybe since i've started working now whereas i was at uni before so not used to writing in a 'lawyerly' way? I did feel quite out of place at the firm so now it's been a few months i think it was for the best as i don't think i would've enjoyed training there but ik that's not an ideal answer haha! Thanks! @axelbeugre
Same!! every single MC firm has rejected me on application yet i've progressed further with a US firm. I have some legal experience, commercial experience, passed university with a high grade and i have a whole list of extracurriculars. What do they want?!?! my left kidney 🫘never made it past the app stage for every mc firms now. How? A genuine question. What are they looking for?
Probably they want me to gain experience as a CEO of a private equity house before even sending me the WG. who knowsSame!! every single MC firm has rejected me on application yet i've progressed further with a US firm. I have some legal experience, commercial experience, passed university with a high grade and i have a whole list of extracurriculars. What do they want?!?! my left kidney 🫘
thank you Axel! It's a shame as generally my feedback sounded positive but unfortunately in one of my tasks i didn't refer to specific clauses in legislation enough. I did beat myself up about it for a while after but 2 hours after the pfo phone call (brutal) i had an interview for an in-house legal internship and i am working here now and i love it so really was a case of one door closing another opening! I have some good feedback from senior people in my team and a pay rise in this current role so hopefully that counts as a success?I think that you could just say the truth and explain the ways in which working now allowed you to develop your writing. Rather than focusing on the negative, I will always stress how you overcame this rejection and what you did to work on the feedback given. I personally would try to be truthful but highlight my successes and improvements since that rejection.
Same boat, I got the WG invite last year with 0 work experience the winter after graduating. My Cover Letter was really good, and I did it after attending their grad workshop for which I was selected. I used the same tips from the workshop to build up my letter this year, after also working in a commercial law firm as a paralegal for 1 year, and I didnt even get through to a WG this time.I don’t get it… I got an AC with FF 2 years ago and got the WG last year but I didn’t even make it past the application stage this round?? I feel like my grades have gotten significantly stronger as I’ve graduated with a first from a RG Uni since I first applied and I have more legal experience… at this point, idk what I’m doing wrong as I haven’t gotten past a single application stage this cycle. I would usually be hopeful but damn this cycle has been tough
Sort of same lol, theres no logicPFO from Freshfields post-app.
I know how competitive the MC is, so not going to complain, but I just sometimes don’t understand how the decisions are made? Last year, I sent in an app an hour before the deadline, with one or two spelling mistakes, and the app was effectively a generic one not tailored to the firm that I copied from another of my applications. I got through to the WG stage.
This year, I researched throughly and feel my app was far better, alongside paralegal experience and an achieved first-class degree, but I didn’t get past the application stage.
I just don’t understand that. I think it makes the whole process much harder to understand when things like that happen.