Spontaneous TC Journey


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  • Oct 9, 2023
    End of the week update ✨:

    1 vacation scheme application submitted
    2 vacation scheme online assessment completed

    2 graduate job applications submitted
    1 graduate job online assessment completed
    1 graduate job video interview completed

    VS applications submitted - 6
    VS applications rejected - 1
    Open day applications submitted - 4
    Open day applications rejected - 1

    First VS PFO of the cycle 😅 shocked but not surprised 😄
    I didn’t complete my to do list for this week but it’s okay as I can’t do them all. I submitted a summer VS application wasn’t part of the plan but happy with the outcome. I’m soo proud of myself for completing 6 VS applications within a month and not overdoing it. If I used the same strategy as last year I probably would’ve had 5 rejections already 😂

    I’ve had an insane amount of people asking for Willkie VI tips not sure how many VI invites were given on Friday but they’ve all somehow ended up in my inbox 😂😂

    Next weeks aim:
    - simplify and print off PE terms to stick on my desk/wall maybe even my bathroom mirror (I will learn every term by force!!)
    - learn how best to structure advice letters and print off a template?
    - Apply to 1 vacation scheme
    - Apply to 1 open day
    - Apply to 1 training contract
    - complete 1 graduate job VI

    Another aim of mines is to apply to firm specific application workshops there’s 1 firm in particular that has my eye and I’m praying my engagement with the firms pays off :)

    Not sure I’ll hear back regarding any VS applications next week as it’s still early days. Optimism is still high and hoping to keep it this way throughout the cycle

    Good luck to everyone reading this whether that be doing applications, reviewing applications or starting your PGDL/SQE! x


    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    End of the week update ✨:

    1 open day application submitted

    1 vacation scheme application submitted

    1 graduate job video interview completed

    VS applications submitted - 7
    VS applications rejected - 1
    Open day applications submitted - 5
    Open day applications rejected - 1

    I have no plans to submit anything else this week so thought I’d share my end of week update a day early!

    I felt that doing a TC application in addition to the others would be very rushed so decided to not do it. I have one winter VS application left to submit and all my winter applications will be complete.

    I’ve had a brief look at a few firms I want to apply to for spring/summer and many are rolling which is a change to last year when they were non-rolling 😭 I had no clue so I am kinda behind on those but hope to churn out a few apps next week.

    In regards to next week I’ll be on holiday!! Exciting yes but the wrong timing lmao. I will say I have perfected my why law, why commercial law, tell me a commercial news story, extra curricular/role of responsibility and what skills do you have paragraphs so it’s just focusing on the why firm sections hoping this shouldn’t take me more than a few days of research mixed in with webinars to submit these.

    I may not apply to anymore open days as I really do not have the time to commit to these seeing as majority are in November I can’t get that much time off and most of the firms are rolling with open days 2 weeks before the deadline like the logic is not adding up😭

    I did print out the PE and M&A terms and will stick them on my rooms walls, I’ve also looked at case studies and how I’d explain these terms and why they’d be important for investors. I think written exercises are my weakness as I can say my point but writing is another story, not sure how to improve that as my top firm choice requires a written exercise 🥲

    I went to a firm webinar this week feeling super proud of myself!

    Low key fed up of the constant messages regarding Willkie and Simmons. I understand I’ve progressed to VI and AC for both firms but gosh it’s tiring getting the same messages at least offer something in return😂 last cycle I gave tips to others and 6 ended up getting a TC’s, when will it be me lmao🥲

    I’m happy to help if I’m not applying to said firm but do not message me regarding Willkie please. Also manners are free saying please and thank you go a long way 😁

    Next weeks aim:
    - Apply to 1 vacation scheme (application is half complete)
    - Apply to 1 training contract
    - Complete Vacation Scheme Test/VI
    - Learn How to structure letter of advice
    - WG for Vacation Scheme

    Next week I’m hoping to hear back from 2/3 firms regarding my vacation scheme application and 1 for an open day. Soo scary as I really don’t want a PFO🥲 I keep analysing my test scores trying to make out if they’re good enough 😅

    EDIT: I have just received a WG invite!!!😂😂😂 I’m happy of course as I passed the application stage but a Saturday?!? Give that grad rec a medal 🥇

    Another week another survival from the PFO’s, until next time, have a lovely weekend :)
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    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    Hi @Jessica Booker

    I wanted to ask whether firms change test boundaries yearly? For example I applied to a firm last year and scored very highly in their verbal intellect section and the areas they score you against I got excelled in all but one however I still made it to AC, I’ve completed the test this cycle and I got average verbal intellect yet all areas that are assessed the wording is the exact same? So I excelled but did bad in one area (the same area as last year. would it be correct to assume they’ve now upped their boundary this year?

    I know it makes no difference to the outcome as it’s already completed but was curious to know. Happy to PM the screenshots if my explanation isn’t clear.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hi @Jessica Booker

    I wanted to ask whether firms change test boundaries yearly? For example I applied to a firm last year and scored very highly in their verbal intellect section and the areas they score you against I got excelled in all but one however I still made it to AC, I’ve completed the test this cycle and I got average verbal intellect yet all areas that are assessed the wording is the exact same? So I excelled but did bad in one area (the same area as last year. would it be correct to assume they’ve now upped their boundary this year?

    I know it makes no difference to the outcome as it’s already completed but was curious to know. Happy to PM the screenshots if my explanation isn’t clear.
    Are you sure it is the test that is resulting in this outcome? Sometimes firms will review applications after test results and make a decision on the application.

    But yes, firms can change benchmarks on assessments from year to year. However, in this case, this might not be the case as it sounds like your test result could be lower than last year’s given you have said this year you got an average score rather than a high score. They may not have changed how they have assessed the test, you may have just had a lower performance, even if the text in the report is very similar.
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    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    End of the week update ✨:

    1 open day application submitted

    ? vacation scheme application submitted

    1 training contract application submitted

    2 vacation scheme online assessments/video interviews completed

    VS applications submitted—?
    VS applications rejected - 2
    Open day applications submitted - 8
    Open day applications rejected - 1

    Monday morning I woke up with the urge to get a training contract. With that being said, I did two assessments and video interviews in a row.... never doing that again! The results weren't bad, and the VI aspect went better than I could've hoped for, so fingers crossed!

    This week I focused on commercial awareness and overlooking the notes I made for the interview I had that led me to get a VS. I had my head screwed on back then. As I've said before, my biggest weakness is the written exercises, interviews are my strongest; therefore, I'm putting a lot of effort into cracking case studies, and how I would list my findings to both a supervisor and a client. I have got a good template that is clear and concise just need to progress in an application to put it into practice.

    I passed the WG for possibly the first time in my life!!!! was so happy to get that email hoping to progress to the next stage.

    I have also been invited to take another WG, glad I passed the screening as I was rejected by this firm last year without a WG invite. Things are slowly starting to look up, very happy with the steady pace I'm taking this cycle. I know I said I wouldn't do applications involving WG but there are firms that I like that require this luckily they tend to screen before the WG so it's not a waste of my time if I am rejected based on results.

    Next week's aim:
    - Complete WG
    - Apply to 1 VS (research complete)

    I submitted my last open-day application for a firm I knew I was going to do a VS for but I needed to learn more about them, they're rolling for VS but non-rolling for the open-day :(

    Although a Friday my end-of-week update ends here as I'm busy this weekend and will be taking 5 days off applications.

    Next week I should hear back from firms regarding open-day outcomes and hopefully a few VS.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone x
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    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    Mid week update ✨:

    On the train home from my holiday and I’ve just received an open day invite at a US firm!!🎉

    Super super happy to get this open day! Their VS applications are rolling and I’ve not yet applied yikes but it’s a blessing in disguise as I would’ve rushed to submit but I stuck to my guns on this one 😂

    My first ever open day not sure what to expect, if I should prep, how to approach the day itself. What are applicants supposed to do on an open day?


    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    End of the week update ✨:

    3 open day application submitted

    ? vacation scheme application submitted

    2 training contract applications submitted

    VS applications submitted—?
    VS applications rejected - 3
    Open-day applications submitted - 10
    Open-day applications rejected - 1
    Open-day application invites - 2

    What a week! I'll try to keep this short and sweet! So I only had half of the week to do any applications, but luckily I do my applications in halves. This means I'll start an application by filling in/updating my education, work experience, and any other standard details. I then fill out competency application questions like "Explain a time you worked in a team" or "Describe when you have shown resilience or faced a challenge." I have a 6-page Word document of competency and motivational questions I've been asked. I just edited a small paragraph at the end stating how the experience would replicate one a trainee would face, and at that particular law firm, I may even go the extra mile and link it to their values if I hadn't already.

    The longest part of writing applications is the research. I try my best to focus on the firm's sectors and my experience in these sectors or a sector I want to learn more about and why. A race case/deal they've completed that backs up my interest or if it's a high profile one, I utilise this and hone on the exposure of their cross-border work 🧍‍♀️I'm starting to feel like a robot; every firm feels the same; every firm is the best in M&A and PE so it seems😂 I have also really tried to emphasise the skills I've gained from my previous vacation schemes and part-time jobs. I used to be very dismissive of the job I did during university but now realise it's so useful to the different working environments I've been subject to—very adaptable, hehe. Growth is a big thing I mention in applications if it is applicable, especially with US firms with London satellite offices. My interest in practice areas has shifted from the last cycle after my second vacation scheme, so I'm trying super hard to show that I'm not headstrong in one practice and my views can be altered. The TC is there to expose us to different areas and help us make a decision.

    OK enough of my application strategy, which IMO is pretty boring, thought I'd share how I did the amount of applications I've done in a short space of time. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible because churning out 5 applications every 2 days is not normal which I keep seeing on the forum, and I doubt good quality!!! If you've enjoyed the read, that's great!!

    One VS application rejection, which is surprising, to say the least, but I'm not phased in the slightest as once again it was a firm that wasn't at the top of my list. I also had a TC rejection post-WG!! fuming as my application passed review; it was so good to the point I kept looking back at it😂 WG is not my strongest area; I think my brain doesn't get along with it, which stinks.

    Although already shared, good news has blessed my inbox this week I needed this boost because everyone is getting VIs and AC's, and I'm here like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️There are a few firms I've applied to that are dishing out next-stage invites, and I'm waiting for post-app or test information. The thing is, I know they've read my application, so why not reject me if I'm not a fit for your firm? I wonder if they get a kick out of leaving people worrying. I'm not worried more annoyed than anything; I thought my applications were good this year given the research I've put into them. I also believe tests might not be my strong suit this year. I was good at SJT's last cycle and now I'm so mid it is insane. All of my feedback reports have been super average. Great application + Avergae test results = Limboland

    Regardless, I look forward to the firms that read applications and progress based on that rather than a test; after all, I never got a VS from a firm that required tests...

    Next week's aim:
    - Complete 4 Graduate job online assessments
    - Complete 2 open day online assessments
    - Complete 2 open day WG 😞 (I hate WG)

    As you can see, I've been bashing out the open-day applications; they're my priority after confirming with a few firms; most have told me to do open-day and then VS. For the open-day invites I have received, I've not applied to their VS yet intentionally. Graduate job applications have also made an appearance again. I now have way too many assessments to do. Today I will be catching up on work for next week and watching Netflix.

    Hoping to hear back from at least 3 firms for various opportunities next week. I anticipate the stats will look very different this time next week.

    I did not keep this short and sweet I apologise 😂

    Another week is approaching and I'm praying for good news or no news (my heart cannot take bad news; leave me alone😭)

    Good luck everyone, Ciao 😄​
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    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    End of the week update ✨:

    I haven’t submitted any applications

    Did an online assessment with VI component

    Completed 2 WG’s - I did a WG for an open day just to find out it clashes with an open day I already have what a waste of time

    I had 2 open day and 1 VS rejection in 1 day… no mercy was given on Monday morning

    VS applications rejected - 4
    Open-day applications rejected - 3

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to struggle in the legal world. I love to meet new people and get to know them but I get Flustered easily and forget my train of thought. How do I keep my cool when speaking to people? I don’t want to come across boring nodding my head and asking generic questions but I also don’t want to be overly personable.

    I spent too much time on my ashurst application I do not deserve to be dragged along like puppy until the 8th November to be rejected. W&C is the same how have you given VS offers yet I’ve been ghosted post app?!? The audacity of the firms this year. Maybe I’m overly emotional due to me being unable to be normal when networking but my feelings are valid. They say no question is stupid but I feel like I’m asking stupid ones when asking what the role of a trainee is in their practice or what they do. I need to evaluate if I can change as a person before I apply to anymore firms to avoid feeling like this in the future.

    I need to sleep and rethink my life because the rejections are hitting much harder this cycle.



    Legendary Member
    Oct 18, 2023
    Dont give up!!!

    Anything that helps you determine if it's a place you want to work is not a stupid question. If you think it's too simple a question you could always rephrase it. My go to ones were always: What responsibilities do trainees get? How much client facing work is there for trainees? What benchmarks is the firm looking for you to hit in these seats? How much support is offered to trainees?

    This is sooo unbelievably your year I can feel it in my bones you got this!!
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    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    Update ✨:

    A few weeks' hiatus to breathe from this process was needed, as coming back onto the forum and seeing so many have progressed to offers hurts, but I am so happy to see others getting the opportunities they deserve. I am generally stressed, having committed to various ventures and further sporting commitments. I feel like my profile picture!

    I have received so many lovely private messages, and this is what I have truly missed about TCLA, a great community.

    I was successful in several open-day applications. They have been great, and I am applying to every firm I've interacted with. I have also had the opportunity to meet firms in other contexts. I am very upset about not progressing with Ashurst. I put my all into that application days and nights of effort and performed well on the test. I sometimes find having two vacation schemes a burden to my applications, and firms don't want to give me a chance, especially Silver Circle.

    I have secured two AC's for 1 VS and 1 graduate job. I hope to secure more in the future, given I have to apply to my top three pretty soon. I'm also succeeding in the WG I'm so happy to even type those words because last year I was terrible! It's just a matter of time and patience, and I hope to continue to persevere. Keeping positive is all I have!!

    Hoping for a positive week ahead! Good luck guys, girls and other identifiers x​


    Legendary Member
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    Yesterday I went to an insight evening, and to say I enjoyed it will not do it justice!!

    I struggle with networking in the aspect of talking too much. I struggle to blend in with the crowd, and I feel I somehow make myself known. Whether that's asking questions partners have heard 100 times or being too friendly and scaring people haha. I like to speak to others and know everything about them, not in a stalker way but to form a bond. I guess it's the weird way my brain works, and I've come to terms with this. However, today I felt amazing after the insight evening! I bossed every conversation, and everyone, including the attendees, was exceptional. I have never felt so comfortable in the presence of a partner; for every question I asked, I was praised for asking such interesting and engaging questions. The trainees and associates didn't fake the culture of the firm and I believed every word out of their mouth, especially given so many join and stay. Many smiled and made jokes as you conversed with them as if you had already known each other. It made me realise not every firm is for me, and that is probably why I have felt the way I have when interacting with firms. Comparing this experience to my VS this is the culture and environment I expected but never got.

    I will be cramming down on commercial awareness starting in two weeks' time. I have lacked, and tbh I am unsure of what is going on in the world besides the US election and that Apple case. I will be focusing on due diligence areas and why such areas are important for investors/a deal. Brushing up on basic M&A terminology again. I really hope to be invited to interviews and ACs in the new year, so I need to prep now to ensure I am ready and comfortable.

    I look forward to writing my application and giving my all, grateful to have attended this event, as there's no way I would've believed the firm was like this if I had never gone.

    A sprinkle of positivity on this fine morning.​

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