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General Discussion Thread 2020-21

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Thank you for sharing that! Yes, I have also heard of people getting through with typos and there is no doubt it is frustrating when you put weeks into writing an app. But, as you said, everything does happen for a reason, and I guess it is also important to remember that there is quite a bit of luck involved and a numbers game too. Thanks for sharing and well done on your TC xx

97-99% of trainees (those recruited) at FBD had some form of mistake on their application when I was there (but I mean even down to the smallest of errors).
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  • Feb 17, 2018
    Thank you for sharing that! Yes, I have also heard of people getting through with typos and there is no doubt it is frustrating when you put weeks into writing an app. But, as you said, everything does happen for a reason, and I guess it is also important to remember that there is quite a bit of luck involved and a numbers game too. Thanks for sharing and well done on your TC xx

    I do agree with the luck point. I've seen many exceptional applications (in my eyes) go on to receive rejections from a particular firm.

    So many factors play a role: your work experience, grades, the number of applications received v places, the preference of a recruiter etc., but that's not to say there's no point focusing on quality. The idea is you want to be consistently writing applications to the best of your ability in order to maximise your chances.

    As Jess said, I also rarely see applications without at least one typo, so something worth keeping an eye on!


    Active Member
    Aug 12, 2020
    Today has been really weird, received a rejection from Sidley Austin after completing a vacation scheme with them... on top of that received rejections from FF and Hogan. I have just been deeping life, and I randomly received an AC with Slaughter and May, guys pray for me.. I am so over this

    Wishing you a massive good luck! I'm on a similar boat as yourself so hopefully we both successfully complete the AC with Slaughter and May
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    Legendary Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Oct 6, 2019
    Today has been really weird, received a rejection from Sidley Austin after completing a vacation scheme with them... on top of that received rejections from FF and Hogan. I have just been deeping life, and I randomly received an AC with Slaughter and May, guys pray for me.. I am so over this

    Sorry about the rejections but just shows you have to keep the faith. Smash that AC !


    Standard Member
    Apr 19, 2019
    Just received an interview invite from Slaughter and May
    Today has been really weird, received a rejection from Sidley Austin after completing a vacation scheme with them... on top of that received rejections from FF and Hogan. I have just been deeping life, and I randomly received an AC with Slaughter and May, guys pray for me.. I am so over this

    congratulations! I have previously interviewed so let me know if you want any advice etc
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    Legendary Member
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    Sep 11, 2018
    To all of those receiving FF rejections, I'm sorry to hear it. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. In my view, applying Direct for a TC is always much harder than going through a VS. I think that task has been made even more difficult with Covid which may affect the number of places on offer. While we can only hypothesize, I can only assume that if a firm was going to adjust numbers, their direct applicants would likely take the hit as they have had the "opportunity" to see the other candidates for 2 weeks during a VS.

    The beauty of TCLA though is that you have a future FF Trainee Resident here in @Alice G who is incredibly helpful on the forums. She may be able to offer some assistance. While I await the outcome of my own application post-VS, I'm happy to give your application a "once-over" to cast my views, if they are of any use to you.

    Stay strong! The window is open for this season so you can start applying again to all of the firms that interest you!

    Daniel Boden

    Legendary Member
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  • Sep 6, 2018
    @Jessica Booker

    On a vacation scheme, I have been asked to write a report to a client less than 1 A4 page, what format and structure should I use for this, any precedent I can follow? Thank you!!
    Are you able to access a template from the firm? I'd ask your supervisor or trainee buddy for their advice on how to structure it. They'll be more than happy to help in my experience :)


    Legendary Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Nov 25, 2019
    SARs are useful but don't they make extra work for grad rec and possibly lead to an applicant being viewed less favourably if they were to reapply? Just a concern I have.

    In my experience, I submitted an SAR after a law firm stated they wouldn't give feedback and I know of another person who did aswell to the same firm, in response to the 2 SARs (there might have been more) they completely change their stance and gave feedback to everyone including me in addition to responding to the SAR. I'd say that it's well worth it, and really the law firm shouldn't be looking unfavourably at you since its well within your rights to get the information thats related to you. So I'd would say go for it! the information i received was way more detailed than the standard phone call was anyway!
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    Active Member
    Jun 17, 2020
    Hi, did you apply for direct TC? And when did you hear back from them? Thanks !
    Hi! Yes I applied direct TC and applied on 15th May. I think I got my WG invite the same day. I did my first stage interview early June and then had to wait two months till the AC, but they invited me to AC three weeks after the interview and let me know that the dates for next ACs weren’t confirmed yet. Hope this helps!
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