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General Discussion Thread 2020-21

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Star Member
Jan 18, 2020
For those who apply direct to US firms, this response is worth noting. Most of these firms do recruit exclusively from their VS, even though they accept direct applicants. I think getting a TC direct is more the exception rather than the rule.

Sorry to those who put the effort in! At least you have a good base for next years app :)
I believe there are some (particularly U.S.) firms that technically accept direct TC applications even though they don’t recruit anyone via this route or haven’t done so for a number of years. This is rarely made explicit though.

It would be better if these firms made this policy/practice clear to candidates to allow them to make an informed choice about whether to spend the time and effort applying.


Legendary Member
May 3, 2020
Rejection from Addleshaw Goddard, with a side of 5 mins of tears and wondering whether I'll ever crack this TC thing :( I had to log into their portal and check the correspondence for an update, as I haven't been getting their emails directly (I know others on here have had the same issue).
Sorry to hear this. I know how you feel, I wonder if my day will ever come as well. Please don’t get too upset and just remember you will achieve your goals!! Good luck with all your other applications :)


Legendary Member
Nov 14, 2019
Rejection from Addleshaw Goddard, with a side of 5 mins of tears and wondering whether I'll ever crack this TC thing :( I had to log into their portal and check the correspondence for an update, as I haven't been getting their emails directly (I know others on here have had the same issue).
I'm so sorry to hear this. Stick at it. I haven't heard back from AG yet, but your post reminded me to check their portal so thanks for posting. Hope you're ok.
  • 🤝
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  • Jan 17, 2019
    Rejection from Addleshaw Goddard, with a side of 5 mins of tears and wondering whether I'll ever crack this TC thing :( I had to log into their portal and check the correspondence for an update, as I haven't been getting their emails directly (I know others on here have had the same issue).

    Thank you for sharing this, though I am very sorry to hear it!

    Resilience is half the battle with applications. Was this at application stage?

    Perhaps you could ask someone to review it and see where you could improve. With any rejection I get I try to come back to it and read it with a fresh pair of eyes. I find it helps to try read it from the recruiter’s point of view. Ask yourself:

    •Is it convincing? Have you sold yourself as best you can? I.e. active verbs, confidence in your skills
    •Is there a clear motivation for a career in commercial law?
    •Do your values/aspirations align with the firm?

    You might find your answer to all of the above is ‘yes’, in which case, there could be a 101 other reasons for the rejection, and none are a reflection of your character! You only have to look at this forum to see that firms have a funny way of recruiting sometimes and it’s tricky for us applicants to know what’s going on behind the scenes.

    Stay motivated and stay resilient! Those are strengths you can use in your next application and beyond.
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    Active Member
    Dec 30, 2018
    Been invited to do a McQuaig Mental Agility Test for Trowers & Hamlin direct TC; has anyone had any experience of doing one of these?
    Yes I do - I just googled it and found a few practice questions (first page google results) on various websites and did those. Also I think It's 15 minutes and 50 questions- so the questions are very short! Go through the ones you know immediately and come back to any you aren't sure of at the end :)
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    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    Sep 11, 2018
    Rejection from Addleshaw Goddard, with a side of 5 mins of tears and wondering whether I'll ever crack this TC thing :( I had to log into their portal and check the correspondence for an update, as I haven't been getting their emails directly (I know others on here have had the same issue).

    Sorry to hear this. I know how you feel, I wonder if my day will ever come as well. Please don’t get too upset and just remember you will achieve your goals!! Good luck with all your other applications :)

    The only way to fail for sure is to give up!

    Earlier on this cycle I offered to review apps of those who have not had any success this year. While I don't want to take away from Jaysen's excellent application review service (I highly recommend this btw!), drop me a DM if you want me to have a run through an app with you. Honestly - of the 20/30 I reviewed, the same mistakes were being made each time so hopefully we can try and put that right in time for this cycle :)

    Zoë Stainton

    Active Member
    Future Trainee
    May 31, 2019
    Rejection from Addleshaw Goddard, with a side of 5 mins of tears and wondering whether I'll ever crack this TC thing :( I had to log into their portal and check the correspondence for an update, as I haven't been getting their emails directly (I know others on here have had the same issue).
    I am so sorry to hear this! Honestly do not give up! At times I never thought that a career in commercial law was possible for me! But perseverance and resilience is key to this application period and stage in our lives. Keep going! Look at your application and see what you could of done better or what parts you performed well!
    • 🤝
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    Zoë Stainton

    Active Member
    Future Trainee
    May 31, 2019
    Waiting to hear from Macfarlanes and Travers for direct TCs but worried grades mean I'm at a disadvantage more generally.

    GCSEs: 1 A, 4 Bs, 3 Cs
    A-Levels: 3 As
    Degree: 62.5% (Distinction in first year)

    Basically, do I need more experience to compensate for poor grades?
    These are not bad grades! Please don’t be discouraged, I had similar grades to you and did get so many rejections but I kept preserving. It is not all dependent on your grades. It’s also how well you write in your application and perform in interviews/AC. You will grow and learn each time you do an application and you will know how best to perform the more practice you do! So it’s not just dependent on your results!


    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    Sep 11, 2018
    Rejection from Hogan Lovells post WG, a bit disheartened but here’s hoping for some nicer news in my inbox soon!

    On a side note, I hope everyone is doing well and getting the chance to enjoy the sunshine whilst we wait!

    Received a rejection from Hogan Lovells post WG

    Don't be disheartened by this. I did a first-year scheme with them last year and had to sit the WG in person again at their office. They told us the pass mark was 90%, so they I would assume that they place quite a bit of significance on the WG! Most firms are not this strict.
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