I won't be doing the SQE with the CCP until 2023 but I would love to find out more! My firm sent me a long document with details about it but it still don't make a lot of sense. I think it said we would have to go in 4-5 times a week but not sure if thats true?
I’m no expert on this but from what I’ve heard the bigger the intake, often to have a more outgoing culture as rheee is a lot of you starting at the same time - a bit like a uni class I guess. What always put me off personally from the smaller intakes was just having 7-10 people to interact with...
I got the call on Monday offering me a TC at NRF (my dream firm). After 3 cycles, over 40 applications and multiple rejections I really didn't think it was possible but as my username suggests, it was indeed third time lucky! I truly couldn’t have gotten it without the support of the forum and...
Hi Jessica. I know this is quite a firm specific question but out of curiosity how are vac schemes assessed? In this firm’s case, we had three assessments, one group task and a partner interview. I didn’t manage to finish one of the tasks (by quite a bit) and I am so worried it will be a...
Yeah course. It was 18 mins long, some firm related questions basically (why law, how do firms run as businesses), some situational questions like how do you make relationships with people, and then the rest were competencies. It was definitely one of the harder first round interviews I did but...
I did it in 2020. So I don’t know if my tips will be outdates but from my memory it was all set questions (so not really based on your application) the standard why law, why the firm (including what area you’re most interested which in my case was disputes), any cases they’ve done that you’ve...
I also found that lawyers very much like talking about themselves and their work so I haven't had to awkwardly ask questions it tends to be quite a natural conversation!
I am currently on my vac scheme (though virtually) and I am also non-law! I haven't felt like I needed to know anything specific, just go in open-mindedly and enjoy the experience. It's good to know about the firm, their main areas and a few things you are interested in/want to learn as that...
Hi @Jessica Booker, I had some technical issues yesterday which meant I arrived to one of my vac scheme sessions 10 mins late. I let both grad rec people know the issue when I managed to log in but as is my anxiety I am terrified this is the end for my TC hopes! Do you think this will impact my...
I hope so, I do think the did pick up on it from
Something they did at the end of the exercise but it just feels really frustrating not to get a real opportunity to negotiate!
Finished my AC. Feel like my negotiation was a bit of a car crash… my partner just did not give me the opportunity to respond to anything in the negotiation and was super dominant and I feel quite upset that I didn’t get the opportunity to say my piece. :(
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