hey, was this for spring or summer vs?Has anyone heard back from Davis Polk post interview? (mine was last week)
hey, was this for spring or summer vs?Has anyone heard back from Davis Polk post interview? (mine was last week)
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been feeling this way. I know how tough it can be when something is weighing on your mind. Maybe try going for a walk…no headphones, no distractions…just to clear your head a bit. Prioritizing self-care is so important, especially during times like this. Be kind to yourself, you’ve done your best!hi hi has anyone heard from Forsters yet. I've been so nervous all day and I genuinely cant get my mind off it
Huge congratulations on your Addleshaw Goddard VS offer! This is such an incredible achievement and a true reflection of all the hard work, dedication, and effort you've put in. You should be so proud of yourself for making it through. Take the time to celebrate properly…you’ve absolutely earned it! Wishing you the best as you embark on this exciting opportunity 🎉Addleshaw Goddard VS offer!!
Can any1 suggest good questions to ask at an AC in the interview, ive got some in mind relating to the firm itself but are there any good ones which are bit more general or specific to the interviewers I can ask?
I think you are fine to keep most of the general themes and substantive motivations the same: firstly, because they were judged good enough to have your application progressed in the past; secondly, because the firm will have no expectations for your fundamental motivations and candidate profile to have drastically changed in the space of one year. However, you also do not want to seem like you are unmotivated to work on improving yourself and your application. As such, I would aim to include any new experiences or achievements that you can. Similarly, I would try to add new insights you have learnt about the firm: for instance, has it worked on any new major deals/cases, or received important market recognition? Adding these points could strengthen your analysis and make your motivations look more persuasive. Finally, review your writing critically to see if there are any potential improvements regarding style: can you express yourself in a a more concise way? can any points be better phrased? should any sentences be shortened? etc.Hi, I just wanted some advice with regards to reapplying to a firm.
I interviewed at a firm last year and was unsuccessful. I want to reapply, and was wondering what I should do differently at application stage since I was successful previously and the questions more or less remain the same :/
I did ask what the reapplication policy is like and recruitment said its fine.
Hi @Kakaboo as some other forum members have said, I think more often the problem with group exercises is that you will not be able to contribute as much as you would like, as everyone will be constantly fighting over airtime. The only context in which you would be asked to say more is if you are particularly quiet and one of the other attendees wants to show team spirit - one of the pieces of advice regarding group exercises I have very often come across is to show collaboration/leadership skills by seeking to include the person who is speaking up the least. I never personally implemented this as it seemed to me to come with a significant risk of both putting the person on the spot and in signaling them out as 'inactive', which can do more harm than good.Hello, does anyone have any advice for the assessment centre group interview task on how to prepare? I am terrified of someone asking me to talk more
In my experience when the caliber of candidates is very high, some firms have a tendency to give more TC offers in the spring. As Jessica said, firms will never offer all the TCs in the spring, but I know firms which made a number of offers of representing around 60-75% of the available TC spaces. There's a number of reasons for that, including the fact that some people with competing offers might not accept (and thus the firm needs to 'overshoot' its hiring target); and the firm's consciousness of the fact that some of the best candidates who accepted a summer VS might not end up attending because they sign TC offer following a spring scheme at a rival. It is also the case that if the firm really likes one batch of candidates, in the spring there are simply more spaces open so the firm can decide to be more flexible. In the summer, since only a set number of TCs will be available in view of the spring offers, it will be more difficult for the firm to make more offers as that would require changing the overall recruitment target.Hey all -
I received a VS offer and am being asked whether I would prefer the summer or spring scheme. As I think is the norm, spring is only one week, whilst summer is two. I am very unsure as to what choice could be better and would really appreciate any advice.
Whilst two weeks could be more beneficial in showing off abilities and also gives more time to prep, spring would be over quicker and requires less holiday days off from work. I did also consider that the spring cohort might be tougher, with there being more individuals who are currently working rather than recent graduates/ at uni.
Has anyone dealt with a similar dilemma and/or has any advice on how to choose?
thinking the same but with VI done almost a month ago 😶Should I assume PFO if I have not heard from White & Case post AC more than 2 weeks ago? Has anyone emailed to ask?
Thank you! I did a mock one today and I was wondering where I find out and revise for stuff such as what payment approach to take etc?I would stress you don't always have to use SWOT in a case study. They can be useful for certain exercises, but it isn't always the most appropriate approach to take. For some, PESTLE might be more appropriate, and for others you might not need to do either form of analysis.
It really depends what the exercise is asking of you.