Hey when did you hear back from S&C? Thank you.Anyone done an S&C interview? Please PM me. Thanks!
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Hey when did you hear back from S&C? Thank you.Anyone done an S&C interview? Please PM me. Thanks!
What did they say?Yeah I heard back from foot anstey post application last Monday
hey sorry where did you hear this from? thanks so muchi thought they’re responding next week?
no worries ahha x i think it was mid-december? yes it was for summer!sorry to hear about latham :// do you mind me asking when you heard back and if it’s for summer?
Omg, that scares me. I still have to do it! Do you have any advice? Also, remember how many questions there are in total and how much time we have to answer them?I’m so EMBARASSED at Clyde and co virtual digital assessment- the last video question, I rushed. In fact all three were rushed as I was approaching midnight.
I think all my other responses were fine but what the hell.
Does anyone know if we get penalised if the last three video questions come across as verbal diarrhoea….. because that’s literally what mine was like. Has anyone rushed or incompleted their responses and still made it through 😭
This can be an issue. It isn’t always the case, and it will depend on the firm in question and also who you are working for as a paralegal. The more the firms are direct competitors, then the more this can be an issue.@Jessica Booker or anyone else who might know: I’ve heard it said that firms can be reluctant to take on paralegals for vac schemes because of potential conflict issues. If a firm is progressing my application for a vac scheme, does that mean they’ve done conflict checks and would definitely be able to take me on if successful, or is there a chance that I could get an offer and then have to pull out because a conflict issue is revealed?
Thanks so much! I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when (if) I get to it...I suspect the CV wasn’t compulsory.
This can be an issue. It isn’t always the case, and it will depend on the firm in question and also who you are working for as a paralegal. The more the firms are direct competitors, then the more this can be an issue.
I have seen enough paralegals do vacation schemes for it to be okay though. But have seen enough paralegals not get approval from either their current employer or the vacation scheme firm due to their “you can’t work for another employer at the same time” policies or because a conflict check has made it too risky.
No - the answer does not require you to evidence these skills from your experiences. It is asking you to show your understanding of a lawyers job rather than your ability to do that job.For the Ropes & Gray question "Describe three characteristics that you believe make an outstanding Ropes & Gray lawyer and how that lawyer would drive our business. (500 words)" , should we be relating this to us and times we've demonstrated the characteristic?
Would you recommend not linking the skills to us then?No - the answer does not require you to evidence these skills from your experiences. It is asking you to show your understanding of a lawyers job rather than your ability to do that job.
I didn’t apply to Skadden but I remember at one of their events the grad rec manager said they have a limit on the number of people who make it to each stage:
250 written exercise, 120 partner interview and 70 for vacation scheme (15-20 per VS).
I imagine they would wait until everyone had done their interview before making all of their VS offers, especially as they have 4 VS’s (two in spring and two in summer).
Best of luck for the interview!!