I don't think the question discriminates between current/past extracurriculars. The only situation in which I would have a preference for the former is if the past extracurricular activities happened a longer while ago (3+ years), which is not the case here. Thus, I would just decide which experiences to include based on what adds most value to the application and to my candidate profile.Hi all, just have a question regarding the following Goodwin application question - 'Please briefly summarise anything else that you would like to add which you think is relevant to your application. This can be positions of responsibility, extra-curricular activities and achievements or academic awards or scholarships. Max 200 words'
I finished my undergraduate degree in 2019 and my law degree in 2022, so I was wondering whether it makes sense to include any extracurricular activities (particularly related to the latter degree such as pro bono volunteering) that I have done during these degrees or whether the question is more so geared towards my current extracurriculars and positions of responsibility.
Hi @LawAspirer while I do not have any specific information about Dentons' VI, I thought it may be useful to give you some general VI preparation resources. I have recently wrote a through Guide for Competency Interviews which includes (i) a step by step preparation plan and (ii) a list of my top VI-specific tips. I ended up being progressed in 4/5 times I implemented it, so I would encourage you to take a lookHello, could someone be so kind and offer some advice for the Dentons Video Interview? This is the first time I've gotten to this stage and I'm not sure what to expect. Thank you![]()
Hi @FutureTraineeMaybe while I don't think this is in itself a big issue, since, as some other people have pointed out, the graduate recruitment team will know you may not have enough space to list all you firm motivations in the 'Why Goodwin' section. However, I think it is not ideal to have your main reason only center around a specialist practice area like IP. From a recruiter's perspective, they need to know your motivations will align with the firm even if you do not get to do/qualify in a particular smaller team in the firm. As such, I would supplement the IP-based reason with one based on sector expertise/another practice area. While you may have to sacrifice on depth of analysis a bit, given the stringency of the wordcount I think that is entirely to be expected.Hello!
I'm a bit concerned about a potential inconsistency in my Goodwin application. My primary reason for applying is my interest in Intellectual Property. However, when listing other firms I've applied to, I mentioned a strength in the Life Sciences sector.
Given the 100-word limit, I couldn't include this in my main reason. Would this be seen as a significant inconsistency, or is it acceptable to prioritize one area of interest over another?"
Hey, when did you apply?Weil VI! Any advice?
December 6th!Hey, when did you apply?
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here, but my approach for the cover letter was to focus on my why the firm reasoning and keep the 'why me' section relatively short, only around 200-300 words. I then chose to discuss academic achievements and more academic-focused extracurriculars here, while in the dedicated skills question I discussed a broader range of experiences. As I ended up being progressed, I think this approach must have been fine.For the W&C application, you're supposed to highlight your skills and attributes both in the cover letter and in a separate question. Should I explain my most important qualities in the cover letter or in the dedicated question? Any opinion on this would be appreciated!
NB most of the IP work you would do at Goodwin is life science focused and vice versa. The entirety of Goodwin's Cambridge IP practice is pharma and biotech focused, and nearly all of their corporate deals in life sciences have IP intertwined. So you should probably mention both.Hello!
I'm a bit concerned about a potential inconsistency in my Goodwin application. My primary reason for applying is my interest in Intellectual Property. However, when listing other firms I've applied to, I mentioned a strength in the Life Sciences sector.
Given the 100-word limit, I couldn't include this in my main reason. Would this be seen as a significant inconsistency, or is it acceptable to prioritize one area of interest over another?"
To jump in before @Jessica Booker comes back to you, in my view you should not worry about this. If anything, your approach shows you are walking a fine line and finding a good balance between (i) being open-minded and using AI for improving efficiency; while (ii) also taking responsibility for for the main substantive aspects of the task yourself, in areas where it is not yet certain that current AI tech would be able to reliably deliver with sufficient nuance. This is the same approach I have seen a number of successful candidates take and write about this year, so I would be really surprised if the firm had an issue with it. My only bit of advice would be to focus on the 'why' part of the answer - ie provide a through explanation as to why you thought you personally researching the firm and writing your answers provided you (or the application) with value that would have been lost if you relied solely on AI.@Jessica Booker
A firm I'm applying to is asking "Have you used AI in preparing your application? If so, how? If not, why not?" I have used AI to spell check and to ask if my answer is structured and easy to read, but not for anything else. This is mainly just because I did research myself and attended webinars, and I genuinely think AI-generated text would have made my application worse. The firm in question does a lot of work in technology and AI startups, etc. Would my answer be something that the firm would view as negative or see it as me being distrusting/not open-minded to AI?
Hi in response to that I received a sjt assessment Link was it the same for you ?Does anyone know the vi deadline for mishcon? it doesn't say in the email or on the link.