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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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  • Feb 13, 2023
    Someone said earlier that they're only just looking at the submissions after the deadline so would take 3-4 weeks to hear back. Just sad to think I wasn't an immediate invite... :(

    There may be other reasons why you haven't received an interview invite yet, perhaps there is more than one person reviewing applications and one of them did not start sending invites.

    If you really were not an immediate invite for this firm, I am sure you will be for another firm! It's about finding the firm that will recognize how valuable you are. :)


    Distinguished Member
    Sep 14, 2023
    Yes. I also wonder if once a firm sees someone as a paralegal it’s hard to go beyond that (like being in a sort of friend zone). I just think some firms will always have a bias for younger people who can get it first time. I don’t mean to be harsh, but how many paralegals set out to do that job? Again, it’s not a criticism of anyone who does it, but I just know some firms like S&M and FF seem to really like hiring people fresh out of university (I think US firms value real world experience more as it’s more work being a trainee at a US firm from what I’ve found). I’m 26 (still in this game because I can’t get anything right first time, or the second or the third or the fourth) and I often think long and hard before applying to firms. My pitch is essentially that I’m not the smartest (62% in my degree), but I’m good at making money, earning more than pretty much any trainee out there and law firms are businesses. It’s a stark reality, but you really do have to impress everyone, including GR who are the gateway to the Partners. Funnily enough, I got feedback from a VS that I basically just ignored the paralegals and the other Vac Schemers and wasn’t a team player. I’m not a team player: I took my exams as an individual and am now self-employed, but this is still an important quality. I’ve applied for firms with smaller intakes because I don’t like big groups and also I want a higher NQ salary without this being diluted and reduced by having loads of fellow NQs.
    Does the ‘paralegal friend-zone’ effect also apply to other roles such as compliance, legal tech, consulting?


    Esteemed Member
    Oct 2, 2023

    There may be other reasons why you haven't received an interview invite yet, perhaps there is more than one person reviewing applications and one of them did not start sending invites.

    If you really were not an immediate invite for this firm, I am sure you will be for another firm! It's about finding the firm that will recognize how valuable you are. :)
    Thank you so much -- that really reassured me :)
    • 🤝
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