Mind sharing when you applied?Winston & Strawn WG invite! due monday though and i'm away for bank holiday ouch!
Mind sharing when you applied?Winston & Strawn WG invite! due monday though and i'm away for bank holiday ouch!
I applied to Winston & Strawn on 28th February (one day before the deadline) and also received the Watson Glaser test invite on March 27th if this helpsDo you mind sharing when you applied?
Sure! I applied on the 18th Feb and I received the WG invite on the 27th MarchDo you mind sharing when you applied?
PFO a few hours agoAnyone heard from Faegre Drinker?
Hey, Really sorry to hear that. Sorry to ask, but do you mind sharing when you applied?PFO a few hours agoat least they got back fairly quick I guess
We will miss you Axel. I used to wake up everyday looking forward to your detailed replies, even to most simplest of questions. As an international student myself, your successful story was one of my inspirations. I always used to imagine how you look , and looking at your humble, friendly and affable demeanor in the "How to convert VS" video was so reassuring. Thank you my friend for all you have done for us and good luck for your TC.Hey All,
I have some updates to share.
Unfortunately, after 8 beautiful months I am leaving TCLA and it really feels bittersweet. I thoroughly enjoyed being on the forum and connect with likeminded individuals who share my same dream in life to become a lawyer. I was moved, motivated, inspired and encouraged by the beautiful stories of resilience, confidence, strength and self-assuredness that I had the pleasure to read throughout these months on the forum. One of the most beautiful aspects of my job was being able to connect and relate to some many people that went through the same struggles I went through when I was applying to vacation schemes and training contracts. The process is extremely daunting and many feel lonely on their path to become lawyers and so being able to inspire and motivate people with just a post on a forum is the highlight of my year.
Since I got my training contract, I felt like the luckiest person in the world, despite the difficulties I had to face on my journey being an international student from an ethnic minority background. I felt like these two factors would have definitely limited my chances of achieving my dream of becoming a lawyer, but I did not let my fear stop me. This is the kind of feeling I was hoping to share whilst being on the forum. However, I ended up being the one inspired by your stories and I will always be grateful for people who are always transparent about their journeys and struggles, as achieving your goals is not an easy process.
I hope I was able to help people as much as I can and I will always be grateful to TCLA to have given me the chance to help many of my peers sharing my same dreams and goals.
If there is anything I want you to remember from all my posts and my personal journey is to never give up on your dreams, regardless of the thousandth rejections you will receive, the nos you will hear and the struggles you will face. It is never the end until you decide it is the end!
Thank you to everybody,
Best of luck to everyone and their journeys into the legal industry,
Oh wow that is very quick! They weren't rolling were they?PFO a few hours agoat least they got back fairly quick I guess
Not that I'm aware of although they do have quite little information in general about their applications, so maybe.Oh wow that is very quick! They weren't rolling were they?
Have not heard back.Has anyone heard back from Winston post WG? I was invited last week and completed Monday for ref.
Not at all - you will hear back in the coming weeks.Should I be alarmed that I haven't heard back from BDB Pitmans? its been over a month since I completed the VI 🥹
No worries, it's part of the process after all! I applied fairly late I guess, just a few days before the deadline. Not sure if they are rolling or not.Hey, Really sorry to hear that. Sorry to ask, but do you mind sharing when you applied?
BCLP are one for sure. Also Trowers & Hamlins.Does anyone know which firms are known for real estate finance and corporate real estate?