@Jessica Booker @Jaysen @axelbeugre Hi guys, a handful of us on here, myself included, have been lucky enough to secure 15 minute telephone interviews with Browne Jacobson. I was wondering if you had any advice on how to maximise chances of moving forward in the process despite such a short interview slot. It's my first ever application cycle as a non-law grad currently working outside of the legal profession trying to convert to law, so any intel and insight will be much much appreciated!
The nice thing about a short telephone interview is that you won't be asked that many questions, especially taken into account the introduction and a brief opportunity to ask any questions. Here are a few thoughts:
1. Test out the location that you are taking the phone call in. Make sure you have a good signal.
2. If you can find someone to help, do a practise telephone interview in that location (it helps to simulate the real thing) - even if it's just a family member to ask you a few questions.
3. The challenge of a telephone interview is it's a little trickier to build a rapport when they can't see you. Still, there is a lot you can carry in your voice - expressiveness, varying your tone, smiling.
4. Remember to breathe! Most people speak too fast, and this can be amplified over the phone because it's hard to know when to pause when you can't see the recipient. Practise making a point and pausing before moving onto your next point.
5. As
@axelbeugre said, I'd treat it like a real interview (it just won't be as thorough). I'd see a telephone interview as a filter before the next stage, so you want to nail your motivations (why do you want to be a solicitor? Why Browne Jacobson?) if you are asked this.
6. You might find it helpful to motivate yourself before the call starts - I used to watch motivational videos, or listen to music, which helped me to get into the right headspace. Remember, you've done really well to get this in your first application cycle. It's a person on the other side and that person just wants to get to know you better. You can't control the outcome, but you can concentrate on showing up in that way that would make yourself proud.
Wishing you the best of luck!