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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Feb 1, 2022
I have some questions for anyone who has completed the DLA application. I'm a bit confused about their application process. Can you confirm if you need to attach a CV and a cover letter, and then answer three questions?

Additionally, I'm wondering if the WGT is automatically included, and if there's no specific deadline for their application. If everyone is receiving VI/AC invites, is it too late for me to apply?
You have to upload a CV, no cover letter and I only remember 2 questions, why DLA and challenges on the training programme.

They keep posting on their insta stories that applications are open so seems like they still want people to apply, don’t think it’s too late, feel like they’d just close the applications if they had enough


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Sep 14, 2023
Thank you for your tips! That's really helpful for me.

Also do you have any tips when applying for US law firm? Like how should I address my interest in applying them instead of UK law firm? Could I talk about the salary etc?

I think the approach is very much similar to the one you are used to for UK law firms. The only difference I personally noticed, and which i appreciated, was that I felt more comfortable talking about personal anecdotes that could explain why I was interested in commercial law in the first place. I think that US firms seem to be more open in reading people's journeys that brought them to where they are, and not too focused on how much you know about a particular area of law or business (even though you still have to be ready to answer technical questions nonetheless!).

So I would just recommend to be yourself throughout the process, either in your cover letter/application answers. Be genuine when it comes to answering the questions and really express your reasonings and intentions behind your choices and background.

Something I would stress though is do your thorough research and try to know as much as you can about the firm, even things that people might not know. This will work wonderfully for you. For instance, for my Gibson Dunn vacation scheme interview I watched a video on youtube (which was not on the official page of the firm not it was advertised to be a video about Gibson Dunn) I think it was a law event online where some trainees from the firm were talking about their experiences. One of them mentioned something she was able to do with the firm and I used that as a reason why I was very interested in the firm, and I remember graduate recruitment being very surprised cause nobody ever knew or mentioned that before. So, I would stress to be thorough when it comes to researching the firms you are interested in!

Good luck with the applications!
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Sep 14, 2023
I have a question for a 2Birds application.
One of the questions is: What attracts you to a Trainee Solicitor role at Bird & Bird? What is motivating you to pursue a career at Bird & Bird? (300 words)

Shall I follow the usual - (i) why commercial law; (ii) why Bird&Bird; (iii) why me?
Or, is this question particularly asking why I am interested in Bird&Bird?
I think @ Jessica Booker gave you valid advice here, I think you should just focus on your motivations as to why you want to join the firm, highlighting the strengths of their training contract and why it is valuable to you. Additionally, link these reasons to your experiences and to you and I think you will be writing a really good application.

These kind of questions do not need the structure you mentioned as they are asking specifically why the firm, so try to specifically answer what the question is asking. That structure works well for cover letter or personal statement in my opinion!

Good luck with it!! @Lopez2017


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Sep 6, 2023
I would avoid salary for any firm. It may be a reason for applying but it isn’t going to be something that actually makes you enjoy the work that you do, and salaries can be similar across US firms, so you are not really explaining why specifically that firm, just high paying US firms more broadly.
I think the approach is very much similar to the one you are used to for UK law firms. The only difference I personally noticed, and which i appreciated, was that I felt more comfortable talking about personal anecdotes that could explain why I was interested in commercial law in the first place. I think that US firms seem to be more open in reading people's journeys that brought them to where they are, and not too focused on how much you know about a particular area of law or business (even though you still have to be ready to answer technical questions nonetheless!).

So I would just recommend to be yourself throughout the process, either in your cover letter/application answers. Be genuine when it comes to answering the questions and really express your reasonings and intentions behind your choices and background.

Something I would stress though is do your thorough research and try to know as much as you can about the firm, even things that people might not know. This will work wonderfully for you. For instance, for my Gibson Dunn vacation scheme interview I watched a video on youtube (which was not on the official page of the firm not it was advertised to be a video about Gibson Dunn) I think it was a law event online where some trainees from the firm were talking about their experiences. One of them mentioned something she was able to do with the firm and I used that as a reason why I was very interested in the firm, and I remember graduate recruitment being very surprised cause nobody ever knew or mentioned that before. So, I would stress to be thorough when it comes to researching the firms you are interested in!

Good luck with the applications!
Thank you Jessica and Axel!
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Sep 14, 2023
Thank you @Jessica Booker, really reassuring. Do you recommend that I also include why I am interested in Bird & Bird beyond the training contract (e.g., their expertise in IP & AI) - answering the second question a little more?
Yes, definitely touch upon these, all the aspects of the question need to be addressed so you would need to discuss these as well! Make sure you also link them back to why these are interesting to you specifically!

Good luck!
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  • Oct 9, 2023
    Application Update - Last posted 17/10/23

    Bank of England Trainee solicitor programme - Completed online tests
    White and Case WVS- Application sent
    Hogan Lovell TC- Application sent
    Hogan Lovell Lift off - WG Complete
    NRF WVS - Application sent (No test received assuming PFO)
    Stephenson Harwood WVS - Application sent
    Cleary Gottlieb WVS - Application sent
    Travers Smith WVS -Application sent
    Gowling TC - Application sent
    Mayer Brown TC - Application Sent
    CMS TC - WG invite (to be completed)
    A&O TC - Application Sent (test and Vi to be completed)

    PFO Heaven
    Sidley - PFO
    Jones Day - PFO
    Slaughter and May TC - PFO
    Linklaters - Failed WG - PFO
    Simmons - Failed VI - PFO
    Clifford chance TC - Failed WG - PFO

    Pending Applications
    Mischon De Reya SVS - Application Pending
    HSF SVS - Application Pending
    Freshfields - Application pending

    I am not applying to any Summer Vacation schemes online winter, possibly Spring and Direct TC.
    Has anyone done of the firms above and have progressed further than I have and when did you apply?

    Not feeling very hopeful at all!
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