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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Distinguished Member
Mar 3, 2024
Both are great roles to secure after graduation and whilst you pursue a training contract. It will be role dependent, but they both should bring a lot of value to your future application through the knowledge and skills you gain. Other roles can do this to though, so it’s not vital to secure either of these type of roles.
Thank you, What other kinds of roles do you suggest. As I am currently interviewing for both compliance assistant and paralegal roles but they are regional, so I was thinking is it worth moving all the way.


Distinguished Member
Mar 3, 2024
I think that they will give you the experience you need to really understand if you want to work in the profession, combined with the necessary to knowledge to succeed at very basic trainee tasks when you start your training contract.

I would make sure to use the experience to wider my network of people I know in the industry too. This will give you the chance of knowing what kind of practice areas you might be interested in, the career path you would want to take after qualification as well as which law firms are best suited to your work ethic and work style.

Good luck with the search and I am sure what whatever you end up doing will be extremely beneficial.
Thank you!
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Thank you, What other kinds of roles do you suggest. As I am currently interviewing for both compliance assistant and paralegal roles but they are regional, so I was thinking is it worth moving all the way.
Any roles that develop transferable skills will also work - it would be easier to list the roles that this wouldn’t apply to rather than those that did.
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Dec 2, 2021
I've had 5 ACs across previous cycles so I feel well qualified to answer this question (sarcasm)
I'm not sure about common reasons but here are some DO NOTs that I have done.

1. Don't get into an argument with the Partner on the interview panel during the interview. I don't mean a discussion or heated debate, I mean a full blown argument... {AC 1}
2. Don't get into an argument with a member of graduate recruitment on the interview panel during the interview. (This was a different interview to that above). {AC 2}
3. Don't get into a heated debate with a Senior Associate during the interview. (same panel as number 2). {AC 2}
(If you see them exchange a glance at the end, just know that you are not getting the job. In fact, a sensible person would know this before it got to that point, but I did not).
4. Don't state obvious lies. I said I was an Olympian. I don't even play sport for the country or at county level. I don't even play sport period. {AC 3}
[I was nervous, and my mouth kept moving without engaging with my brain first...].
5. Don't go to the interview wearing or with items from another law firm. e.g. like a pen, pad, umbrella etc. (The partner kindly pointed this out to me, that it would appear I was leaning more to other firms, pointing at the items from other law firms that I had brought in. (Thankfully I did not argue with him) {AC 4}
6. Don't lie. And if you are going to lie, then back it up with something sensible. I stated that I'm a runner and did the marathon in 2 hours. {AC 4}
{Again, I've no idea why I bothered lying. I could have just used something that I actually do}

DO NOTs that I have not done, but have witnessed
(1) do not arrive late, (2) do not smell (3)do not forget to iron your clothes (4) do not go overkill with perfume (5) do not smoke, only to go to the loo and brush your teeth

What I've learned. Just be yourself. Lots of people (like me) just crucify themselves. My nerves just take over and I just become someone else. Just be yourself. You will be fine. This year I was myself and I have got the furthest than any cycles before, manage to bag myself a Spring VS.

(On an aside, RonRod has rubbed a few people up the wrong way today, but at least it was virtual and not in person, at a law firm, to a panel or partner like me...we all deserve another chance)...
PLEASE ELABORATE ON THESE, I would love to read your TC journey because these debates/arguments sound (obviously not at the time!!!) like they are hilarious material -- like what did they say to press your buttons??

I did an interview with R&G where I said, to the Private Equity partner interviewing me, that I'm into "White crime investigations" instead of "White collar crime" :)


Standard Member
Jan 29, 2024
Do recruitment teams change each year or do they remain with the same people for some period of time? I applied for something last year, but I completely underperformed in the final stage/my interview (it objectively was horrific on my part!) and I would like to reapply this year but I feel embarrassed to- because I’m worried that they’ll remember how bad I was.

It sounds egotistical to think they would remember me, but I really was such a mess that it was laughable. I’m just a bit worried about it : (
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Dec 2, 2021
Do recruitment teams change each year or do they remain with the same people for some period of time? I applied for something last year, but I completely underperformed in the final stage/my interview (it objectively was horrific on my part!) and I would like to reapply this year but I feel embarrassed to- because I’m worried that they’ll remember how bad I was.

It sounds egotistical to think they would remember me, but I really was such a mess that it was laughable. I’m just a bit worried about it : (
Recruitment heads can stay there like gargoyles atop a gothic french church, for ages and ages... or move on to the next role just like you'd find with any other profession without the turnover rate of hospitality. Best bet is to LinkedIn 'people' + 'recruitment' + 'firm name' and see the hints for yourself
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Do recruitment teams change each year or do they remain with the same people for some period of time? I applied for something last year, but I completely underperformed in the final stage/my interview (it objectively was horrific on my part!) and I would like to reapply this year but I feel embarrassed to- because I’m worried that they’ll remember how bad I was.

It sounds egotistical to think they would remember me, but I really was such a mess that it was laughable. I’m just a bit worried about it : (
A bit of both - turn over in graduate recruitment is either sky high or there are people that work in the same firm for many, many years.

But I wouldn’t worry about this. 1) you probably think it’s a lot worse than the people who assessed you did and 2) if you can show growth/development in the areas you did need to improve on, it’s worth a second attempt if it’s a firm you really want to work for in the future.


Star Member
Dec 20, 2023
Hi everyone (especially @Jessica Booker because your insight on this would be great)! For context, I’m currently a full time MA Law (Conversion) student and have a VS offer for the summer. However, I’m currently thinking of switching to the PDGL (rather than the MA) and doing it part time (mainly so that I can work more alongside it & be able to help my family a lot more). The reason for the switch from MA to PDGL is because it would keep me on track for the same VS/SQE/TC timeline & start dates that I applied for. When I applied for this VS, I hadn’t even started the course but it was on my application as I would be. If I decide to switch over courses & go part-time to work more, should I email the firm now to let them know? Or wait until the VS? Or does it not even matter/will it come across badly? Thanks so much!

Jessica Booker

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Forum Team
Aug 1, 2019
Hi everyone (especially @Jessica Booker because your insight on this would be great)! For context, I’m currently a full time MA Law (Conversion) student and have a VS offer for the summer. However, I’m currently thinking of switching to the PDGL (rather than the MA) and doing it part time (mainly so that I can work more alongside it & be able to help my family a lot more). The reason for the switch from MA to PDGL is because it would keep me on track for the same VS/SQE/TC timeline & start dates that I applied for. When I applied for this VS, I hadn’t even started the course but it was on my application as I would be. If I decide to switch over courses & go part-time to work more, should I email the firm now to let them know? Or wait until the VS? Or does it not even matter/will it come across badly? Thanks so much!
As it doesn’t impact your timelines if you were to convert to a TC, I wouldn’t worry about this. You can explain during your VS or at the point you are made an offer (if it’s relevant to your offer, it sounds like it might not be unless they offer a pro data maintenance grant/fees for the GDL)
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Star Member
Dec 20, 2023
As it doesn’t impact your timelines if you were to convert to a TC, I wouldn’t worry about this. You can explain during your VS or at the point you are made an offer (if it’s relevant to your offer, it sounds like it might not be unless they offer a pro data maintenance grant/fees for the GDL)
Thanks so much! That’s one worry about switching courses gone now!


Active Member
  • Dec 30, 2023
    Hi everyone. I am just posting for a final time to see if anyone is interested in attending a mock AC day/half-day next week (either the 2nd or 3rd) that a few of us are organising together. Jaysen and the TCLA team have also kindly offered us use of their offices, to provide materials and to act as assessors, so it should be very helpful!

    Please PM me if you are interested, or reply to the thread attached below:


    Esteemed Member
    Oct 2, 2023
    Well, that's my cycle finished (hopefully)! Through some magic, I secured VSs at 3 US firms and I attribute so much of that to the wonderful community on TCLA. Everyone was so willing to help, even if I was 'competing' with them -- the culture has been 10/10.

    Thank you @Jessica Booker and @axelbeugre for all of your advice and support. Your wisdom and empathy have been a real lifeline through such a challenging experience! Doing this alongside my GDL was a real exercise in endurance and your support really kept me centred.

    If anyone wants any advice or support in applying to US firms, reach out and I'll do my best to help. Though, I'm no expert, just very lucky!

    (pretty pls don't repost this on linkedin, TCLA 🤍)
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