currently stressing for my
white and case interview on Monday. Does anyone have any advice on common reasons why applicants get rejected from the assessment centre? I was just wondering what to avoid. (Apart from naming all US firms as competitors 😂)
I've had 5 ACs across previous cycles so I feel well qualified to answer this question (sarcasm)
I'm not sure about common reasons but here are some DO NOTs that I have done.
1. Don't get into an argument with the Partner on the interview panel during the interview. I don't mean a discussion or heated debate, I mean a full blown argument... {AC 1}
2. Don't get into an argument with a member of graduate recruitment on the interview panel during the interview. (This was a different interview to that above). {AC 2}
3. Don't get into a heated debate with a Senior Associate during the interview. (same panel as number 2). {AC 2}
(If you see them exchange a glance at the end, just know that you are not getting the job. In fact, a sensible person would know this before it got to that point, but I did not).
4. Don't state obvious lies. I said I was an Olympian. I don't even play sport for the country or at county level. I don't even play sport period. {AC 3}
[I was nervous, and my mouth kept moving without engaging with my brain first...].
5. Don't go to the interview wearing or with items from another law firm. e.g. like a pen, pad, umbrella etc. (The partner kindly pointed this out to me, that it would appear I was leaning more to other firms, pointing at the items from other law firms that I had brought in. (Thankfully I did not argue with him) {AC 4}
6. Don't lie. And if you are going to lie, then back it up with something sensible. I stated that I'm a runner and did the marathon in 2 hours. {AC 4}
{Again, I've no idea why I bothered lying. I could have just used something that I actually do}
DO NOTs that I have not done, but have witnessed
(1) do not arrive late, (2) do not smell (3)do not forget to iron your clothes (4) do not go overkill with perfume (5) do not smoke, only to go to the loo and brush your teeth
What I've learned. Just be yourself.
Lots of people (like me) just crucify themselves. My nerves just take over and I just become someone else. Just be yourself. You will be fine. This year I was myself and I have got the furthest than any cycles before, manage to bag myself a Spring VS.
(On an aside, RonRod has rubbed a few people up the wrong way today, but at least it was virtual and not in person, at a law firm, to a panel or partner like me...we all deserve another chance)...