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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Star Member
Dec 16, 2021
Anyone know if Bakers require you to complete the PGDL? Their Legal Cheek profile states they no longer fund it and only fund a foundation course with BARBRI. So as a non-law student, would I just do the BARBRI + SQE1+2?
PGDL not required, just SQE at BARBRI I believe (this is what my friend who has a TC with BM is doing)


Standard Member
Jan 16, 2024
Others might have different opinions but here's mine: I think you should think about the stress that it's causing you - while it's great to have two offers for a vacation scheme, it is not worth being anxious or stressed over - especially if you will still have to pick one.

During the last cycle, I secured a vac scheme at a US firm but then later progressed to the AC stage of another US firm, I felt really stressed about prepping for this AC because even if I got it I couldn't do both. I decided to go ahead anyway but still couldn't just couldn't shake the nerves. I ended up not doing very well in the interview or presentation. and was rejected post-AC.

I felt a little annoyed with myself - not because I was rejected - but because I had so much uni work to catch up on and had let myself get stressed for honestly no good reason.
Thank you for your reply. It has made me feel better knowing that someone else has felt the same as me. I think it definitely adds to the anxiety when you are working hard for something that won't help that much despite adding 'more experience' with ACs.

If it was possible to do both vac schemes (if I passed this AC) I would cope with the stress as they are both good firms, but I do think I will regret missing any more uni work. And if I was to perform badly I fear it would dishearten me a little more.

Thanks again for your advice, very helpful :)


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Oct 21, 2022
Hi all,

As we approach the end of the VS application season, I thought I would share my progress to remind people that while it is a highly competitive process, do not give up as you only need one! Last season I applied to ~10 firms, attended 2 ACs and was rejected by both.

Some key lessons from this season:
  • Do not be afraid of applying to new firms. All my ACs, and most of my VIs, were with firms that I had not applied to in previous seasons.
  • Attend open days! I paid little attention to these last season, but my most successful applications this season have been with firms where I attended an open day or another event. It's much easier to relate 'why this firm' with your experiences this way.
  • Focus on just a few firms. Most of my rejections were with firms that were not my top priority, but I applied to anyway 'just in case'. I think you should devote 90% of your application time to a few firms that truly interest you, but use 10% of your time applying to other firms as numerous external, uncontrollable factors will influence whether you are successful or not. I received a few VIs and an AC at firms I applied to 'just in case'.
Is there any general view on how grad rec weight their decisions on AC's? I performed really well in the interview but pretty average in the written task, not bad but certainly not my best work. I wonder if generally the interview aspect is weighted heavier or if anyone has any insights about still getting a VS offer after a pretty mediocre written exercise! Any info would be great, thanks.


Standard Member
Premium Member
Sep 25, 2023
Hey all, I have my very first AC coming up and not sure what to expect in terms of how the day is organized, since it's only 2 assessments but the AC is over 5 hours long. Are there other stuff you do during an AC? Pls excuse my very elementary question lol, would love any insight on the structure of the day in general!
Also the AC I'm doing is virtual b/c I'm based outside the UK, if that changes things.

@axelbeugre would love to hear your thoughts!
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