Morrison Foersters, it's a US law firm 😊 I haven't applied to them yetI haven't applied there but I'm just curious, which firm is MoFo? It's an interesting abbreviation.... 😅
was this post-app? i got the same email when i asked as wellEmailed AG and got this back last week! (London office) starting to think it’s a PfO they’ve done a few AC’s now!
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Have you had any rejections?! You’ve done so well. It’s amazing! I’m gonna need your tips for next season cause you’re getting accepted by every firm I’ve applied to😭TLT AC🫶🏻
almost as brutal as waiting over a month for a response post-VI 🤣W&C 15s prep time for the VI was absolutely brutal 😂
Latham are gonna have me on a month’s wait post AC tomorrow…almost as brutal as waiting over a month for a response post-VI 🤣
my bro I applied 28th December and they just invited me last Friday I really wouldn't stressI applied on the 12th of Jan, got the email about them looking forward to reading my cover letter on the 26th, and silence since. Assuming a PFO at this point for the sake of my own happiness.
just pick something that's easy to apply without much explaining needed -- my go to is interest ratesAny top commercial news stories to keep an eye on?
I think it really depends on your own situation.Hey - I've got a paralegal job in private client in a fairly high street firm in south London starting in the next 2 weeks. But I've also got a paralegal job in commercial litigation at a top city law firm that i could start soon BUT its only for a 1 month contract. Which one should I take???
Just to weigh in on this I work at pretty big firm in commercial litigation as a paralegal and my first contract was 3 months, turns out this was really common and once I’d completed that they offered me either a 6/year long contract.Hey - I've got a paralegal job in private client in a fairly high street firm in south London starting in the next 2 weeks. But I've also got a paralegal job in commercial litigation at a top city law firm that i could start soon BUT it’s only for a 1 month contract. Which one should I take???
I think that an email explaining the situation is more than enough. I found myself in the same situation and emailing them stressing the situation and what you want out of it (meaning an earlier update, moving dates or just rejecting the offer all together), emphasising how grateful you are regardless is the best thing to do, in my opinion.@Jessica Booker how do you recommend alerting firms about vacation scheme offers from other firms? I'm in the recruitment process for a firm that has no set dates for their summer vacation scheme (though they're usually around the same time as others), but I've received an offer from another firm with set dates. I don't want to come across as presumptuous, as there's one more stage to go, but I'd like to let them know just in case.
Additionally, some firms I've applied to have allowed me to select a preference for spring, but should I let them know I have a summer VS just to confirm whether I can guarantee a spring space?
BristollllCongrats! Which office did you apply for?