It's TCLA's birthday today. Thank you Guest for joining us in this journey. We are seven years old :). For today only, you can use 'SEVEN' for 50% off TCLA Premium Gold and TCLA Academy.
Thank youIts not necessarily a PFO, but I wouldn't rush to contact them either. Sometimes these things take longer than expected.
If you haven't heard anything by Friday or even Monday next week, then contact them.
You should get extra points because this is in god's countyPinsents AC (Leeds)!! 🎉
Can I DM you, please?Well done on Mishcon VIs happy to help if you DM
Hey @TonyStark,Hi @axelbeugre @Jessica Booker this is my first application cycle and I’m trying to get on the front foot by preparing for assessment centres even though I don’t have any currently lined up (yet!). Do you have any tips or can point me to any information on how to prepare for competency based interviews and how to build up my commercial awareness for article review/case study exercises?
Appreciate the support and hope you don’t mind the tag!
I think these points work and I would probably include them in my answers too, I would also brunch out a little more in the why the firm question and talk about pro bono, diversity initiatives, international opportunities that the training contract offers. But these are great points!When answering "why x firm" in an AC interview
Is there any point in me saying the practice area as they will follow up asking me what practice area am I interested in anyway?
Instead should I briefly speak about the awards won within the sector of the practice area i like and the firm overall and why they stood out to me in wanting to apply over their competitors? Then reference this point again when they ask about my interest in a practice area and include a deal and how this deal is important to me?
Are these points too broad and not very specific to the firm?
@Jessica Booker @axelbeugre
I would just wait patiently as unhelpful as this sounds because the law firm is probably insanely busy. I would not look too much into this, no news is good news in all honesty so just try to relax and focus on other things rather than the call you are expecting! I know it is hard though! I did reach out to some firms when I was interviewing last year with updates and they were kind in giving me the offer the day I emailed so you could do that (but I would do it after a couple of weeks sine they might reach out before then anyway).
I would try and email them with this kind of questions, at least you do not waste your time as you said. They will be transparent with you and hopefully they will reply quickly too!Does anyone know if VWV sponsors visas? I cant find anything on their website and their name isn't showing up on the list of sponsorships published by the government. I don't want to waste my time finalising this application if it won't lead to anything lol.
@axelbeugre do you have any advice for this?Hi everyonehow would you go about an interview question about how a firm can maintain a competitive advantage in the current legal market? In terms of structure, things to pull on, etc. I keep coming back to AI & tech which is obviously important but I'd like to come up with a few more examples for variation