Is this for Travers?GR at the event today said interviews will be mid or end of Nov
It's TCLA's birthday today. Thank you Guest for joining us in this journey. We are seven years old :). For today only, you can use 'SEVEN' for 50% off TCLA Premium Gold and TCLA Academy.
Is this for Travers?GR at the event today said interviews will be mid or end of Nov
Take one for the team and e-mail SH.
I did not apply for SH lolTake one for the team and e-mail SH.
Hi @LawLife , my emails do say you will hear back from us within 15 working days from the deadline, which would mean you would hear from us, at the latest, tomorrow close of business.I took the VI on 18th. NO RESPONSE. They said 15 working days. I don't know if I should take it as a PFO.
Hi there,I would appreciate any advice thank you!
In the last week I have had:
Linklaters post AC PFO.
A&O post AC PFO.
I have now had 10 straight post AC PFO's in a row. My feedback is typically that I have good commercial awareness/technical knowledge, but sometimes my (why x firm) has felt scripted or that I lacked drive. I am clearly doing something wrong considering I have had this many PFO's. How should I go about really showing I want to work at the firm?
Keep going! It only takes one!Is it me or this cycle is harder than last year?
also still waiting to hear back from BCLP post-test!Has anyone heard from the following firms:
1. Travers Smith (Winter Vac Scheme)
2. BCLP - Spring/Summer Vac Scheme (post test)
3. PwC - Legal Vacation Scheme (post VI)
I know they sent out invites a while ago, im really hoping this isnt a pfo lol.any HL AC invites for WVS?