It's TCLA's birthday today. Thank you Guest for joining us in this journey. We are seven years old :). For today only, you can use 'SEVEN' for 50% off TCLA Premium Gold and TCLA Academy.
Hey, congrats of getting though the process! Can I ask if you have any advice for the VI? And is there a time limit to prepare for each question then around 2 minutes to answer? With the VI I've done so far, the only consistency is that I've had 2 minutes to answer - but some had 90secs, 2 minutes or even untimed prep time, so finding it hard to gauge for this one.Received an email from DLA Piper saying I achieved their benchmark for VI and they are now shortlisting people for AC... anyone received the same? I applied for the Leeds office
I applied on 24 September! Good luckSorry to hearwhen did you apply?
Hi, I did this last month! You have to answer three questions, and you have 15 seconds between reading the answer to having to record your answer which is up to a maximum of 45 seconds. You can't re-record your answers.mishcon VI! I applied end of sept and this is for the spring schemeim quite hit or miss with VI's so any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you!!
I don't think you can prepare beyond nailing your motivations for applying. There is a numerical and verbal reasoning element, a situational judgement element, two VI questions that are motivational, and a written case study. I don't know if they're practice situational judgement test that you can do in advance, but essentially just think about how you would act in professional situations. It is quite a long assessment: they say an hour, but it's untimed and I took almost 90 minutes.Hey! Does anyone have any advice/tips on how to prepare for the Pinsent Masons blended assessment?
Hey @HMB,Hi there!
Has anyone got advice on what to put on the cover letter for Sullivan, and how long it should be?
Hey, just wondering if you got your reply and how long it took for TW to get back to you?Does anyone know how long it takes to hear from Taylor Wessing post-app? Thank you so much!
Hi, congratulations for getting VI invite!Hey, congrats of getting though the process! Can I ask if you have any advice for the VI? And is there a time limit to prepare for each question then around 2 minutes to answer? With the VI I've done so far, the only consistency is that I've had 2 minutes to answer - but some had 90secs, 2 minutes or even untimed prep time, so finding it hard to gauge for this one.
Welcome to the forums! I would apply to a mixture of vacation schemes and direct TCs. Some vacation schemes will make sense for the firms who recruit trainees solely or heavily from vacation schemes, but direct TCs will make sense for firms where this ain’t the case and where you may not be eligible for their vacation scheme programme or the dates of their schemes do not work for you.Hi everyone,
I am new here on TCLA and this is my first application season. So far I have applied to only 3 firms and am feeling overwhelmed in applying as I only decided to go for vac schemes in September this year (2 months ago).
A little about myself, i'm from the UK but completed an LL.M in Germany after studying a non law degree at a Russel group uni. I have been working now for a year as a Legal Specialist at a tech company in Germany and decided I wanted to head back to the UK to qualify.
Is there any advice on the first application season? I feel a bit disadvantaged as I am researching firms during this season itself instead of knowing what firms I will apply to beforehand.
Also, given my experience, would I apply to TCs or Vac schemes? I have attended 2 open days so far but this is about it for my UK legal experience.
Thank you
It depends on the firm, I would suggest looking at the firm's graduate website and complying with their guidance.Thoughts on a 2 page covering letter? There really isnt anything that I would like to remove..
Hi @Ash2323,Hi everyone,
I am new here on TCLA and this is my first application season. So far I have applied to only 3 firms and am feeling overwhelmed in applying as I only decided to go for vac schemes in September this year (2 months ago).
A little about myself, i'm from the UK but completed an LL.M in Germany after studying a non law degree at a Russel group uni. I have been working now for a year as a Legal Specialist at a tech company in Germany and decided I wanted to head back to the UK to qualify.
Is there any advice on the first application season? I feel a bit disadvantaged as I am researching firms during this season itself instead of knowing what firms I will apply to beforehand.
Also, given my experience, would I apply to TCs or Vac schemes? I have attended 2 open days so far but this is about it for my UK legal experience.
Thank you
When did you apply.DLA WG invite! here comes the hardest part 😭
Thanks. DLA WG has just come through for me tooapplied on the 29th of October, and I've flopped at both so I can't answer you lol