@Jessica Booker I attended a remote AC recently. I was supposed to join a 15-minute Zoom call right after my associate/HR interview. However my internet crashed right after the interview - I panicked for a bit and by the time I got it back up the 15 minutes was up. I emailed grad rec after apologising for this and told them that I am happy to reschedule a 15-minute call with the trainee at another time - they haven't gotten back to me since.
I can't help but feel super guilty for wasting their time and that a trainee was probably waiting on a call for 15 minutes but I didn't show up. Would this have any effect on how my performance at AC is reviewed?
Also, out of curiosity, at ACs firms usually let us have interaction with trainees either through a Q&A (or if in person, usually an office tour). What exactly is the point of this — is it just to help candidates feel a bit more settled and is genuinely un-assessed, or does this get fed into the assessment process in any way (e.g. will they ask trainees for feedback re whether the candidate said or did smth that would come across as rude/uninterested/unenthusiastic)? Or is this completely firm-dependent?