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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Star Member
  • Sep 28, 2022
    Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice

    I applied to Skadden in early October and have not heard back at all. Similarly with AO, I completed and passed my SJT in early November and there’s been no communication since. I’m wondering if it is okay at this stage to write to these firms and ask for an update? Does it at all negatively impact the application? Or are these just PFOs and I should move on?
    Hi - if it helps, got PFO'd from AO a week after passing the SJT so maybe they have you on hold... But I applied to Skadden at the same time as you and got a TI 2 weeks after applying... Good luck!!

    Reading 1-2 year old posts and ones from yesterday, INITIALLY led me to believe that Skadden go through applications in order of submission date and send out a TI invite asap/as they review them, but leave the unsuccesfull candidates for later and send PFOs in bulk when they can. I thought this because people that applied later than others seemed to receive a TI before the early applicants

    However, some other people posted later in the night with their application dates which threw this theory somewhat out of the window as some just received a TI even though they applied early 🤣 I'm also thinking they may be putting "borderline" applications on the side to compare and choose from, but highly unlikely since they aren't exactly short on applicants. I know they have a review team that split the applications between them and it could be by submission date, i.e. some are working through their share faster? Essentially trying to lie to myself that it won't be a PFO lol


    Distinguished Member
    Nov 10, 2022
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.


    Valued Member
    Sep 28, 2022
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.
    I haven’t secured one yet either; the best we can do is keep our heads up and trust that, with our hard work and patience, we will get one 😊


    Legendary Member
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    Aug 8, 2022
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.
    I have not secured yet either - I do not think it is that rare


    Legendary Member
    Premium Member
    Oct 26, 2022
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.
    I'm nearly 30 and I haven't secured one this academic year. I came to law late, and I'm still just attempting to trust that a recruiter somewhere will believe in me!


    Legendary Member
    Premium Member
    Jan 1, 2021
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.
    I haven’t secured a VS/TC either.


    Esteemed Member
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    Junior Lawyer
    Sep 28, 2022
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.
    You're definitely not the only one! I wouldn't panic yet - as far as I know, most firms haven't offered places for summer (or even spring?) vacation schemes yet, and many applications haven't even closed. Fingers crossed for all of us still waiting!
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    Legendary Member
    Feb 19, 2021
    So am i the only one who still has not secured a vacation scheme yet?! I'm feeling pretty bad about it and nervous cause like if this doesn't work out I have no idea what I'm going to do cause with this whole cost of living crisis and the recession... it's not looking good bruv :confused:
    I get I can just reapply in my third year but I really just want to secure my TC offer before third year so I can just focus on getting a first.
    I recommend you just relax a little bit - I just graduated, I've had 4 Acs between my penultimate/final year and didn't pass any of them. I really recommend that you don't get too caught up in getting a VS or TC during uni because it can make things 100x more stressful. In terms of finishing uni without a TC, I promise you that you will be employed after uni, even if it isn't because of TC. Everything will be okay!


    Legendary Member
    Gold Member
    Premium Member
    Jan 28, 2022
    Reading 1-2 year old posts and ones from yesterday, INITIALLY led me to believe that Skadden go through applications in order of submission date and send out a TI invite asap/as they review them, but leave the unsuccesfull candidates for later and send PFOs in bulk when they can. I thought this because people that applied later than others seemed to receive a TI before the early applicants

    However, some other people posted later in the night with their application dates which threw this theory somewhat out of the window as some just received a TI even though they applied early 🤣 I'm also thinking they may be putting "borderline" applications on the side to compare and choose from, but highly unlikely since they aren't exactly short on applicants. I know they have a review team that split the applications between them and it could be by submission date, i.e. some are working through their share faster? Essentially trying to lie to myself that it won't be a PFO lol
    Even if it is a PFO, there are other law firms to apply and interview with. A Skadden PFO doesn't mean you're a bad candidate, it could just mean you were not the right fit (and vice versa). Keep hanging in there!
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