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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Oct 20, 2022
Just completed Willkie's VI - nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be, but difficult to say how it went in terms of getting through, as not having a real person to talk to makes things weird. How long has it taken for other people to hear back after the VI?
I heard back a day after and got moved forward to written portion
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Oct 6, 2022
Just after some advice in general, i've been offered a legal assistant role today, super happy as it gives me some more experience to add for my VS applications - however I don't start for a couple of weeks and I have some VS deadlines before then.

Is it worth mentioning this on my applications at all? I've 100 percent got the job and know what experience i'll be getting, but have not yet started so would it be better to not mention it on my applications? I'm coming from a non-law degree, so have a feeling showing this law role might really help my applications. Thanks!

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
@Jessica Booker need some advice. I have confirmed my place on a summer scheme with a firm.

However, I would like to still try and get hired on an April scheme that does not interfere with that summer scheme.

Is it appropriate to include in my applications that I will be joining that firm for the summer as "future experience."
Yes, you can put future roles you have accepted in your application. You can't really describe them, and therefore it might not be appropriate to put them in work experience sections (often these stop you from putting in future dates anyway), so referencing future schemes in either motivational questions or extra information sections could be done instead.

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Just after some advice in general, i've been offered a legal assistant role today, super happy as it gives me some more experience to add for my VS applications - however I don't start for a couple of weeks and I have some VS deadlines before then.

Is it worth mentioning this on my applications at all? I've 100 percent got the job and know what experience i'll be getting, but have not yet started so would it be better to not mention it on my applications? I'm coming from a non-law degree, so have a feeling showing this law role might really help my applications. Thanks!
See my post above, which is basically a response to the same question! In your case though you might need to be mindful that taking time off to attend a vacation scheme might be tricky with your new role, and that conflict checks could stop you from doing a VS, especially if you are working with/applying to a direct competitor.


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  • Jan 29, 2022
    I am writing my answer to the HSF VS application question "Introduce us to a topic you know about and explain why it interests you", but I just CANNOT do it. I HATE my answer. Please can anyone read it and let me know how to improve :((( PLEASE.It has a 300 word limit and I only have around 250 words here, so any ideas on what else I could include would be great thank you!
    Is AI something you are genuinely passionate about? If you are writing about something you think will impress a firm rather than something you actually care about, it can be hard to get word count up. It would be better to be in a situation where you are looking to cut words.

    From reading your answer, it seems that you are an artist. Maybe you could talk about that in more detail and then more briefly touch on AI or other issues that artists face? Maybe you could compare artwork done for personal enjoyment with paid commissions as it sounds like you have experience of both? If an interviewer asked you to elaborate more on this answer, would you be able to do it?

    Perhaps you'd like to talk about AI more widely? What else is it used for? What are the benefits/disadvantages of AI?

    For me I would talk about my passion for rowing (something I literally never shut up about which irritates my friends). I could talk all day about this because the reasons I love it come to me immediately. Do you feel passionate about anything like that? A sport? An extra-curricular? A social issue?

    Hope this helps!

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Thank you SO MUCH for your response!

    Yeah I'm really interested in AI! I think there's TOO MUCH for me to talk about that I don't know what to focus on. There's the effect on the art world, the philosophical questions about creativity, the copyright issues, the ethical concerns and so much more. So I really have no idea what to put hahah

    But I think you're right - I should choose something less heavy maybe? The thing that threw me off is that it says "a topic you know about", so it makes me feel like it needs to be something I have a lot of knowledge on, AI being one of them.

    Something I'm passionate about and have written about in previous applications is journalling, but it is a hobby not something that "interests" me per se. I am also an avid chess player, but I tried writing about that and found it even more difficult to talk about. I think this might just be because I don't know what the question is looking for.

    Please let me know which of these topics I should pick! Chess? Journalling? Or should I just stick to AI art?
    I think the AI Art is actually quite interesting and unique. If it’s something you have an interest in, then I think it’s a good topic to go with.


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  • Jan 29, 2022
    Thank you SO MUCH for your response!

    Yeah I'm really interested in AI! I think there's TOO MUCH for me to talk about that I don't know what to focus on. There's the effect on the art world, the philosophical questions about creativity, the copyright issues, the ethical concerns and so much more. So I really have no idea what to put hahah

    But I think you're right - I should choose something less heavy maybe? The thing that threw me off is that it says "a topic you know about", so it makes me feel like it needs to be something I have a lot of knowledge on, AI being one of them.

    Something I'm passionate about and have written about in previous applications is journalling, but it is a hobby not something that "interests" me per se. I am also an avid chess player, but I tried writing about that and found it even more difficult to talk about. I think this might just be because I don't know what the question is looking for.

    Please let me know which of these topics I should pick! Chess? Journalling? Or should I just stick to AI art?
    I am writing my answer to the HSF VS application question "Introduce us to a topic you know about and explain why it interests you", but I just CANNOT do it. I HATE my answer. Please can anyone read it and let me know how to improve :((( PLEASE.It has a 300 word limit and I only have around 250 words here, so any ideas on what else I could include would be great thank you!

    In your reply you have just outlined at least four points you could talk about with AI! I actually love your 3rd paragraph in your original answer, perhaps you could use the four points you outlined above (effect on art world, philosophical questions about creativity, copyright issues, ethical concerns) and just write detailed explanations of those points in the same way you did that paragraph? Does that make sense?

    I'm not sure it's about being heavy or not, but in your reply here, you already seem waaaay more interested in AI in art than you do in your original answer. How detailed can you make your points above.

    Also, any hobby is something that interests you, but I think you are right that journalling may be something to stay away from as they ask for a 'topic' that you know about.

    If you wanted to go with Chess, why does it interest you? Do you know much about chess other than playing it as a game? Do you play it for fun, or more seriously? Do stories in the chess world interest you (like that guy who was a chess-champion or something like it and was apparently cheating)?

    To me it sounds like you are most passionate and knowledgable about AI, you just need to delve into that passion deeper than surface level. Maybe talk about a specific story where there were copyright issues? Why is this interesting? What questions does it raise? Are there any ongoing court cases to determine what should be done about this? You briefly talk about the negative impacts of AI on the art world, but is there another side to the story? Could AI art ever truly replace art done by humans? Were people fooled by the "Next Rembrant" or was it more of a novelty? How have people responded to Wonder? Is art all about being sold or is it something that people do purely for the enjoyment of creating it? Will the fact that the art is created by AI cause a difference in its value (much like handmade goods tend to be a lot more expensive)? Is the AI able to learn and create a novel type of art never seen before by humans?

    These are just some questions to think about, but hopefully they help a bit with your answer!
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  • Oct 28, 2021
    In your reply you have just outlined at least four points you could talk about with AI! I actually love your 3rd paragraph in your original answer, perhaps you could use the four points you outlined above (effect on art world, philosophical questions about creativity, copyright issues, ethical concerns) and just write detailed explanations of those points in the same way you did that paragraph? Does that make sense?

    I'm not sure it's about being heavy or not, but in your reply here, you already seem waaaay more interested in AI in art than you do in your original answer. How detailed can you make your points above.

    Also, any hobby is something that interests you, but I think you are right that journalling may be something to stay away from as they ask for a 'topic' that you know about.

    If you wanted to go with Chess, why does it interest you? Do you know much about chess other than playing it as a game? Do you play it for fun, or more seriously? Do stories in the chess world interest you (like that guy who was a chess-champion or something like it and was apparently cheating)?

    To me it sounds like you are most passionate and knowledgable about AI, you just need to delve into that passion deeper than surface level. Maybe talk about a specific story where there were copyright issues? Why is this interesting? What questions does it raise? Are there any ongoing court cases to determine what should be done about this? You briefly talk about the negative impacts of AI on the art world, but is there another side to the story? Could AI art ever truly replace art done by humans? Were people fooled by the "Next Rembrant" or was it more of a novelty? How have people responded to Wonder? Is art all about being sold or is it something that people do purely for the enjoyment of creating it? Will the fact that the art is created by AI cause a difference in its value (much like handmade goods tend to be a lot more expensive)? Is the AI able to learn and create a novel type of art never seen before by humans?

    These are just some questions to think about, but hopefully they help a bit with your answer!
    Wow that's so helpful! Thank you so much!!
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    Sep 12, 2021
    Does anyone know if you did not get a response from White & Case for WVS now, but have put down other intakes as the second choice, is there a chance that they will still contact you for progression for the latter cohorts?
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    Jun 8, 2022
    For anyone who has gotten a PFO lately (I got 3 rejections this week alone so I'm right there with you), keep your head up! Your worth is far too great to be captured by a snapshot in time of an application, VI or AC. The right firm will recognize the value that you bring to the table.

    Trust that what is meant for you will not pass you by.

    Take care of yourself and practice lots of self-compassion. Remember that you're not defined by the outcome of this process. Hang in there - you're not alone! :) A big congrats to everyone who has secured vac schemes so far and an even bigger shoutout to those who have been vulnerable in sharing their rejections/asking questions.
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