TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Legendary Member
Premium Member
Oct 26, 2022
Any thoughts on jobs that are similar to commercial law? Beginning to think of a backup plan in case things don’t work out for me.
Was hoping to bump this again. For reasons beyond my control, this cycle will have to be my last, and I really need a backup plan as things haven't been going well for me. Thanks

Ali A

Legendary Member
  • Feb 28, 2022
    Just did the W&C VI.

    Some questions threw me off but felt as if I answered the questions well enough. I didn't repeat myself as I have done in the past and I also didn't freeze as I have previously.

    Let's see what happens!

    The only worrying thing was when I was doing the practice questions and reviewing my answers, the screen was somewhat blurry. I don't know if this has anything to do with my internet connection or if its the platform they use.

    If anyone has done the W&C VI recently, can you let me know if your video for your practice answer was a little blurry?


    Esteemed Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Nov 25, 2022
    Was hoping to bump this again. For reasons beyond my control, this cycle will have to be my last, and I really need a backup plan as things haven't been going well for me. Thanks
    sorry this may not be of much help, but what comes to mind are finance related careers, perhaps the banking and investment sector (i know this is also a really competitive area but there is no harm in researching and seeing what options are out there- i know the FCA even do summer internships), maybe working in-house for a company, a paralegal role in a commercial firm if you can, if not then maybe a more hands on business role like marketing or business development

    these may not be the best options for you as only you know what is best suited to your interests and experiences but hopefully it's of some help :)

    in the meantime, i really hope you hear good news soon, all the best!! :)
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