TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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  • Jan 29, 2022
    Hi everyone

    I am struggling to answer this question for the Baker McKenxie VC application - 'Law firms are all different - tell us about three things, that you feel differentiate Baker McKenzie from other leading firms and encouraged you to apply?'

    Can anyone give any insight into what differentiates Baker McKenzie from other law firms?
    - It has the largest team of M&A lawyers gloablly, so is really strong at transactional work. At the same time, it is also a full-service firm which ranks well across the board.
    - It has international reach with a swiss verein structure and constantly undertakes cross-border work.
    - It is a London firm with an exceptionally strong transatlantic presence.
    - The firm prides itself on being the first 'global law firm' and is therefore quite innovative.
    - It has heavily invested in D&I initiatives.

    This is just a snapshot and you'd probably need to do a bit more research than this, but it's a start. Also, you'd want to try and talk about why any of these factors are important to you. If you are applying to the firm, you must have a reason that you've picked it over other law firms to apply to, so that's probably also a good start.

    Good luck!
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