TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Valued Member
Junior Lawyer
Sep 11, 2021
I just bombed a VI for a spring vac scheme because I was caught off guard by how long the questions were. For each question here were essentially two subquestions (e.g. why commercial law + skills needed by a commercial lawyer and how you've demonstrated them) but I had to fit my answer within 1 min 30 sec which I found near impossible so I panicked. Kept stumbling over my own words and towards the end it was just word vomit which made no sense because it was the last 10 seconds. It wasn't even the questions that caught me off guard (they were really simple questions), it was just because there were two huge questions that needed answering in 1 min 30 secs which completely threw me off.

I'm just feeling disheartened because I attended an open day at the firm and spent so much time crafting a strong written application but I know 100% that I will not be progressed to AC because of my VI.

If you're struggling with VIs too, you're not alone :( hopefully we will get there one day.


Legendary Member
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Premium Member
  • Aug 19, 2022
    Does Jones Day ask for your permission before contacting your referee? Do you have any opportunity to change your reference if they are not currently available?
    Hi - they automatically request one from your referee, but send you an email letting you know if they decided to do this (I think it's only something they do when they're interested in you). You don't typically get to change your reference - I suggest getting in touch with them.


    Star Member
  • Aug 27, 2022
    Ahh... one of my biggest frustrations (although something I am also guilty of letting slip!)

    Have you been emailing a specific person or just a general graduate recruitment email? If the latter, I would try to follow up with someone specific within the graduate recruitment team and ask whether the reimbursement can be looked into/processed as soon as possible. It is not pushy to ask, and really firms should be better at arranging this!
    Hi Jessica!

    I wanted to ask how long you should wait for a response after submitting an application? I have seen stories online about how firms ghost which has put me on edge a little!

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