I did it last year for the winter, didn’t get through but honestly that was just because i was overthinking too much in the case study! I had such a concrete plan of how to go about a case study from TCLA resources, that I didn’t just take it at face value. If i did, I was told I would’ve gotten through. So my advise would be, when they tell you you don’t need to prepare for the case study, it’s semi true- just don’t over-prepare and assume questions if that makes sense. The competency interview is really chill, HR does it and they want you to do well! Something that will help nerves, is that it’s not a competition. If everyone meets the benchmark, everyone will go through. So don’t psych yourself out!! The benchmark also isn’t ridiculously high, if you’re in the AC assume they’ve chosen you and you just need to not make a major error. If the partner interview is still 2 partners, remember that they’re only human and just want you to succeed to. The written exercise is based on the case study and is pretty straightforward. I didn’t actually finish in time, yet they told me I passed the written exercise in my feedback call. They’re just looking for a good structure. Trust me- you’ll do amazing. It was my first AC and either way a really helpful and positive experience even though I didn’t get through. Best of luck!!