TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Nov 11, 2022
But the deadline is 27 Jan? How can you get a PFO?
I applied for winter and they sent me an email saying that they were impressed with my application and would reconsider for Spring - but just received an email now with rejection. I guess they're clearing out all the remaining apps from winter to be ready for Spring?
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Sachin Chandra

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Apr 16, 2020
I applied for winter and they sent me an email saying that they were impressed with my application and would reconsider for Spring - but just received an email now with rejection. I guess they're clearing out all the remaining apps from winter to be ready for Spring?
Yep, sounds like it. It's a tough firm to get into. Don't be disheartened. Where else you applying to? Any other US outfits?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
ngl i’m getting really nervy about my HSF summer vac scheme… it was the top firm i was gunning for and i’ve seen a lot of PFOs going around… have not received one but have also not gotten an AC invite and i’ve seen some people getting it 😔 could it be because i applied a day before the deadline lol
HSF isn't rolling- they told us at an open day they don't even know when applications were sent in when they review them. I haven't heard back either but I wouldn't overthink it until you get an answer (impossible to do I know!) Good luck.
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