So does pre-screen mean that they do not look at the answers for the questions. Im guessing they just look at grades and work experience?Hi I’m a brand ambassador for the firm & they do pre-screen before sending the Watson Glaser.
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So does pre-screen mean that they do not look at the answers for the questions. Im guessing they just look at grades and work experience?Hi I’m a brand ambassador for the firm & they do pre-screen before sending the Watson Glaser.
No they review your application completely before sending WG. They then review your application & WG further in combination to decide whether to send a video interviewSo does pre-screen mean that they do not look at the answers for the questions. Im guessing they just look at grades and work experience?
Same. I also haven't heard back yetI haven't received a WG invite from CMS since applying a week ago, should I assume a PFO? Considering I've heard of people getting their WG two days after applying?
I wouldn't assume yet! I imagine they'll be a bit slower at the moment considering there haven't been many working days since you appliedI haven't received a WG invite from CMS since applying a week ago, should I assume a PFO? Considering I've heard of people getting their WG two days after applying?
I have not but I submitted my application yesterday and their deadline is tomorrow so am not too concerned about it.Anyone still not heard from Baker McKenzie post application for Summer VS?
It is not an issue if it is blank and it will be fairly common for it to be so.@Jessica Booker
Hi guys - if an application form contains the following question:
If applicable please state any additional information which you think is relevant to your application or which you think has not been covered adequately in this form.
Is this essentially looking for extenuating circumstances and suchlike, or would it place the candidate at a disadvantage if he left the section blank (given that there is already a question asking the candidate to discuss their extra-curricular activities and achievements)?
congrats! summer or springBaker McKenzie VI invite! any other tips on how to prepare/insight?? I've never gotten this far in the application stage so I am extremely nervous about it!
Congrats! Can I ask when you sat your WG?Baker McKenzie VI invite! any other tips on how to prepare/insight?? I've never gotten this far in the application stage so I am extremely nervous about it!
It was really slow for me yesterday also. This is for BM application cvmil just not working for anyone right now lol
Feel free to PM me!Baker McKenzie VI invite! any other tips on how to prepare/insight?? I've never gotten this far in the application stage so I am extremely nervous about it!
I personally wouldn’t. It isn’t really your place to do this and I don’t see the benefit in you doing this.@Jessica Booker
Hi Jessica, I was wondering how it would look if I pointed out a spelling error on a firm's recruitment page. They used the wrong your/you're. Personally, it's something I would want to know, but I don't want it to come across in bad taste!