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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hmm am trying to remain positive but it does feel like grad rec seem to contact the people they are keen on sooner rather than later. That might not be the case at all and I don’t want to be unduly sceptical, just have a bit of a sinking feeling.
With some firms this will be the be the case, but for many more it won’t be. Unfortunately a lot of this process requires patience.


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Junior Lawyer
Dec 13, 2020
Anyone who is looking to apply for Gowling - I have just received an email from them which says that they currently have a high volume of candidates for the vacation scheme and so they encourage candidates to submit their applications as soon as possible, as the closing date for applications may be brought forward if necessary!


New Member
Nov 30, 2020
Hey! Applying to Addleshaw Goddard, they have the question 'What do you feel will be the biggest challenges for the legal sector over the next 12 months?'

Anyone got any novel ideas for this, beyond the normal Big 4, WFH etc?



Well-Known Member
  • Apr 25, 2021
    Don't mention legal concepts or buzzwords you do not feel comfortable explaining. From my personal experience, if you mention a specific legal principle or a buzzword then you could very likely be asked to explain it/provide a definition.

    If you are unsure or unclear about what they are asking you, you could ask them to phrase it another way. I would then attempt to give an answer. If you are incorrect or not on the right track, they will try to guide you towards the right answer. This is from personal experience at assessment centres and at HSF specifically.

    They are not trying to catch you out, they just want to see how your mind works and how well you deal with challenging situations.

    If you are challenged/pressed, it is important to remain calm and not show your nerves. Thinking out loud while trying to come to a solution is a good idea instead of shutting down and getting flustered.

    I had an assessment centre at HSF for a VS and was successful. There were times I did not understand some of the words/concepts the partners were using and they were more than happy to explain further until I got it.

    Just approach each station as if you were having a normal conversation. That helped calm my nerves before AC's in the past. Come in with confidence from the beginning. Even if one station did not go so well, it is important to remain calm, confident and level-headed.

    HSF are genuinely a really nice and friendly firm. All the best.
    Just to add on this, I recently had a successful AC with HSF and when the partner said how are you etc I straight up said “a bit nervous but okay apart from that!” and then half way through he could tell I was nervous and told me not to worry and that I was doing well. My point is, don’t worry if you can tell you’re coming across as nervous, they will completely understand!!
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