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Can be returned on the 26thIf something needs signing by Tuesday 26th July do you have Tuesday to still sign it? Or does it have to be signed Monday?
In my view, work is important but feeling supported to express yourself honestly and put yourself out there at your workplace is just as important as well so the balance needs to be there at whatever firm you choose to train at. The ranking of a practice area may change in the future, and unless firm Y's practice area's reputation is significantly worse than X's, I wouldn't focus too much on this being a metric for your decision.Thanks for replying - I would say the training is better at firm X because of the training system the firm has, which a lot of trainees emphasised, and I guess because X firm has non-billable hours, it would make a culture where seniors are more likely to invest into me as there's no pressure to meet targets. There wouldn't be a vast difference in career progression. Both firms have a significant presence and expertise in the transactional space, which I'm interested in. However, I think X firm has a better PE, Funds, Finance and general corporate practice than Firm Y.
It's hard to decide what I attach significance to, I know culture is important in terms of feeling genuine and authentic at the firm I train at, and I think Firm Y really made that impression on me during the vacation scheme.
All in all it's a difficult decision to make - and I'm really indecisive when it comes to decisions like this to make. (sorry for the essay and if it's unclear)
It's most important that you focus on the long game. If you don't get an offer from this firm, you will get an offer from a firm that is a better fit for you.Hi there, I could really use some advice as I'm crazy stressed at the moment.
I finished a vacation scheme at an international firm last week. We had expected to hear back by the end of this week at the latest.
I know that just under half of the people have heard back with offers. Whilst at least half of us received an email at the end of the day today, saying that they are unable to get back to us this week and that we should hopefully hear Monday or early next week.
For reference, I would certainly have expected over half of the candidates to be taken on (it would be quite surprising if half were rejected). Also, out of the people waiting to hear, I would expect one of them to be rejected, only because I overheard quite a few comments from his supervisors stating how he was not taking the experience particularly seriously and that they were going to tell graduate recruitment.
Finally, I know that direct TC ac's have been going on this week, so I am not sure if this could be a factor in the delay.
I would really appreciate some advice as I am currently going out of my mind with stress and I have an exam in two weeks that I am currently trying to prepare for, but am really distracted by all of this tbh.
The direct TCs are likely to be something that is contributing to. In addition, if the vacation scheme intake was quite large, then it can actually be pretty time consuming trying to catch up with all supervisors to get the necessary feedback etc. That can also easily take more than a week, especially if anyone is off on leave (and it’s prime holiday time).Hi there, I could really use some advice as I'm crazy stressed at the moment.
I finished a vacation scheme at an international firm last week. We had expected to hear back by the end of this week at the latest.
I know that just under half of the people have heard back with offers. Whilst at least half of us received an email at the end of the day today, saying that they are unable to get back to us this week and that we should hopefully hear Monday or early next week.
For reference, I would certainly have expected over half of the candidates to be taken on (it would be quite surprising if half were rejected). Also, out of the people waiting to hear, I would expect one of them to be rejected, only because I overheard quite a few comments from his supervisors stating how he was not taking the experience particularly seriously and that they were going to tell graduate recruitment.
Finally, I know that direct TC ac's have been going on this week, so I am not sure if this could be a factor in the delay.
I would really appreciate some advice as I am currently going out of my mind with stress and I have an exam in two weeks that I am currently trying to prepare for, but am really distracted by all of this tbh.
A delight to open up the forum to read this. Well done!Hello everyone ☺️ Every year I use this platform and see people post about TCs I never thought it would be my turn.
I’ve secured a Training contract this year! Cannot believe it. The call was definitely worth all the rejection I’ve suffered in the past. Earlier this year I opened up about not converting my vacation schemes into offers it was devastating. I also had a vacation scheme this year which I didn’t convert which made me think the process just isn’t for me, I was planning to give up after this cycle but I tried direct TC and this worked.
if anyone ever feels demotivated trust me I can relate this is my 4th cycle!! Good luck anyone still waiting on outcomes and if your still debating on whether it’s “too late” to submit that application - it’s never too late ☺️
Are firm A running summer schemes currently?@Jessica Booker, I would like to pick your brains on timings of TC offers following a VS, if I may.
I undertook a vacation scheme with Firm A in the Spring. I subsequently undertook a final round interview with Firm A. I told them that I have a Summer Vacation Scheme with Firm B in response to an interview question.
I have now also done my Vacation Scheme with Firm B. I am still waiting to hear from Firm A following the interview. It has been 2 months since my interview.
I am mindful this might indicate that it is a rejection from Firm A; however, I am wondering whether they may be biding their time to wait for me to receive my outcome from Firm B first, in order to mitigate any risk of me reneging on an offer from Firm A.
Due to a sizeable difference in NQ salary, there would objectively be a risk of reneging on an offer from Firm A, so this theory makes sense on paper.
Overall, I am wondering whether it is common practice (or practice at all) for firms to time their offers in this strategic way? I would be grateful for any guidance on this.
Firm A had 3 summer schemes throughout the last 5 weeks or so. The last scheme recently finished and they are still conducting final round interviews from these schemes.Are firm A running summer schemes currently?
Then that’s why they haven’t been in contact yet. They are waiting for their process to conclude.Firm A had 3 summer schemes throughout the last 5 weeks or so. The last scheme recently finished and they are still conducting final round interviews from these schemes.
Hi there, bit of a long shot do you by any chance know when we are scheduled to hear back with an outcome of the assessment centres for the Flex Legal TC scheme? Cannot recall if they mentioned a date or anything in particular- or if anyones heard anything back at all 😃Hi did anyone apply to the Flex Legal TC scheme and have you heard anything back?
You'd need your university to verify it as evidence more than anything.Does anyone know how I would go about providing evidence that a relative died during my exam period if a law firm was to ask for evidence?
Hey - we had to delay one of the assessment centres due to the heatwave and so people will hear back sometime after the 2nd August, when the last assessment centre will now take place.Hi there, bit of a long shot do you by any chance know when we are scheduled to hear back with an outcome of the assessment centres for the Flex Legal TC scheme? Cannot recall if they mentioned a date or anything in particular- or if anyones heard anything back at all 😃
The firm would only ask for evidence from the university or for information that is directly related to you (e.g. doctor's note). As the death is not directly related to you (there is no evidence attached to you directly), the firm cannot seek it out.But I didn't bring it up to the university, and I can't bring things up retrospectively, so I haven't bothered doing so since or in an appeal. Is there any evidence outside of my uni verifying that I can give them?
There isn't any evidence the firm will want to see. The only evidence you could really send is a death certificate.So there is no evidence I can give for a death? Will a law firm still take this into consideration or not without any evidence?
I can't imagine it is rare for people not to tell the university of any mitigating circumstances?