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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Active Member
Dec 16, 2020
I never got a response from W&C for summer vac scheme post app and I applied in December? lmao rip me

Hey! I did send them an email and received this response from them on the 15th of March.

"Thank you for your email and application. We are still reviewing applications for the summer vacation scheme and hope to have updated all applicants within the next 3 weeks."

Hope that helps :)


Legendary Member
Premium Member
Jul 15, 2019
Has anyone else still not heard anything from MoFo post application for the summer VS? Sent an email to [email protected] for an update but haven't received a response. Wondering if anyone has a grad rec specific email that I could try?

Seems they don't reply to unsuccessful interview candidates. For context I haven't heard anything since my second round spring VS interview in mid January, despite multiple chase attempts. They also ghosted my application last cycle - never heard back.

That being said I think they're still considering Summer VS candidates so don't lose hope yet. I'd maybe give it until May? They're still inviting people to 1st round interview from what I can gather.


Legendary Member
Sep 19, 2019
Would be surprised if not. Had a couple of people here earlier today say they haven't heard back yet post interview and neither have I. Others in the forum say they were told EOM. I was told I'd found out by the end of last week by GR a couple of weeks ago so should be just around the corner
Yeah I agree. Have tried to contact them as I have to respond to another VS offer by a certain date so keen to avoid any clashes but no reply from Grad Rec. I wonder what’s keeping them..


Legendary Member
Junior Lawyer
Feb 1, 2021
Anyone have any experience with being offered a VS but being unable to do it due to working a full time job? Do the firm still let you have your training contract interview or are you cut completely?
This is going to vary from firm to firm - I had a VS I couldn't complete due to conflict of interest with my employer at the time. The firm in question only hired from VS so I couldn't be considered for a TC.
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Distinguished Member
Premium Member
Junior Lawyer
  • Dec 17, 2020
    I was offered a place on a summer scheme but wish to change it due to clashes with other schemes.

    How accomodating are law firms usually? Does anyone have experience in deferring a scheme offer?

    I don't believe I could do a spring scheme, and in any case, the start date would probably be too soon for them to accommodate. Are firms usually willing to defer a summer scheme to the winter? I know this is a separate application cycle, but would appreciate if anyone has any tips!

    Really don't want to forego either scheme!


    Distinguished Member
    Premium Member
    Dec 23, 2020
    Seems they don't reply to unsuccessful interview candidates. For context I haven't heard anything since my second round spring VS interview in mid January, despite multiple chase attempts. They also ghosted my application last cycle - never heard back.

    That being said I think they're still considering Summer VS candidates so don't lose hope yet. I'd maybe give it until May? They're still inviting people to 1st round interview from what I can gather.
    Not hearing back post-application is annoying, but not hearing back after a second-round interview must be incredibly frustrating so I am sorry to hear that. I got ghosted last year too so should have expected it I guess!!

    Yeah, they will either get back to me or they won't but will assume its a PFO and focus on other applications.


    Active Member
  • Feb 3, 2021
    Anyone have any experience with being offered a VS but being unable to do it due to working a full time job? Do the firm still let you have your training contract interview or are you cut completely?
    I also had a PwC assessment centre a couple of weeks ago. Have you heard anything back? I’m still waiting…
    Hi! Was this your final interview or the Group assessment centre? I heard back from my PwC assessment day a week afterwards, then my response to the final interview today. Maybe email them?


    Active Member
    Mar 21, 2022
    Hi! Was this your final interview or the Group assessment centre? I heard back from my PwC assessment day a week afterwards, then my response to the final interview today. Maybe email them?
    The online assessment centre. It was on the 9th so I’ll wait until the 2 week mark and then send them an email I think! What was the final interview like?


    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
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    Premium Member
    Oct 25, 2021
    Well that brings all outstanding applications to close for me with a second vac scheme offer! Definitely going to celebrate this weekend as my LPC exams are over as well!

    I made 5 applications this cycle, 2 direct TC 3 VS. I received 1 post VI PFO for a VS, 2 post final AC/Interview PFOs for the TCs and 2 vac scheme offers! This is my third cycle and the first time I've got any offers, I didn't even make it to AC in my first cycle!

    Taylor Wessing VS offer following my AC yesterday 🥳 Emotional moment as it's my first offer after four years of applications :)

    Not me getting a VS offer yesterday and then only hours later testing positive for covid. Swings and roundabouts I guess? 😅

    @Abii very, very well done! You've been such a star and source of support here on TCLA and I am so happy for you!! 👏👏👏

    @lellie23 I can imagine how emotional this must have been for you!! You've done so, so well!! Please do keep us updated through your posts here on the forum on how your VS goes and if we can help you at all to prep for it!

    @stemlawgal oh my you've had a big day!! 😅 Many, many congratulations and I hope you're doing ok?

    @s10 so, so happy for you!! All your hardwork has paid off- you deserve this and more 👏👏👏

    What a stellar show everyone!!👏👏👏🥳🥳🥳
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